Renault Premium / Merc Actros

Ooooh, dicing with death there :smiley: Good point though :laughing:

…says the man from the country where the men wear skirts! :laughing:

… and what are they doing out of the kitchen anyway?

What, Premiums? Heading for the nearest dustbin with a bit of luck!!! :sunglasses:

Renault Premium? A GIRLS’ trucks■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :imp: :open_mouth:

I’ve driven one, and it was so unresponsive, I felt I was driving a video game :unamused:
So when I went to my last job interview, and heard they ran Renaults, Scannys and MANs, this girl said no renaults.

As for the Merc Actros it’s a nice drive - never driven a Premium so I couldn’t say. However the Magnum I drove was a great bit of kit (the one with the knockover box?) The bunk in the Merc was ok for a half hour but I couldn’t quite stretch out in it. I prefer my old Daf - loads of room loads of power and goes like stink. The gearbox is dead easy to use on the Merc and it drives well. Just remember the button on the right hand side needs pressing if you want reverse (you wouldn’t want to have three goes at finding reverse and it all shut down on you - a certian dshunter that shall remain namless rears his ugly head). Keep shtum about the bollard and trailer combination:shock: :blush: and everything will be fine.

whie working for city transport many years ago ihad a merc 1835 long distance cab it was a great motor plenty of room and really comfy to drive.i got a phone call from traffic office askng me to call in and get my new t reg 400 premium as my merc was going to another depot.that premium was rubbish no room around foot well bunk on floor so no storage to speak of really and the thing wouldnt have pulled ya outta bed.rob ks right go for the actros :laughing:

Renault Premiums are a bit like Marmite. You’ll either love it or hate it.

Reckon you got it right there. Matbe they should use it as thier advertising slogan, with a free jar of Marmite with every truck sold. :smiley:

Ran Magnums for a few years and they were great…but the Premiums as a long distance motor is laughable…no flat surfaces, uncomfortable driving position, rear work light that you have to turn on from the outside! It’s about time someone took a cab designer out in one for a month then we’d maybe see a difference.

Just to bump this thread to the top :stuck_out_tongue:

I noticed the couple of points raised about the Tacho and the night heater.

They are there because of the design. They are LHD from birth, so my tach is on the left away from the ignition key and my heater vent is behind the passenger seat.

Not as bad as they are made out to be, I Certainly wouldnt be afraid of one as an owner driver :slight_smile: