Removing/tearing down of 100/150/200/300 year old monuments

Another mans opinion, Buzzer.

First appeared in September 2016.
The statement was not in response to, or answering issues concerning “Black Lives Matter”.
It may well be an accurate summary of one mans experience and views, but is it particularly relevant to the current BLM isssues? One mans opinion is not a good reflection of the world.


grumpy old man:
The plural of agenda is agendas…not agenda’s. :wink:

Well spotted, you must have stayed awake at English lessons then! :smiley:

Very much doubt it, grammar school education but all I wanted to do was to get out of the place and drive lorries. :smiley:

You can sure as hell bet the ‘Black lives matter’ crew will be jumping on a festival of guff and sympathy on this week’s 3rd anniversary of the Greenfell fire.
An absolute tragedy yeh, agreed, human lives lost… but it continues to be suitably ignored that the majority of the victims were illegals, and in reality should not have been there in the first place in some cases their grossly overcrowded conditions.

If I come across as a racist, I really do not give a ■■■■,…trust me, as I am safe in the knowledge that I am absolutely not, …but if all this stuff does not spark of otherwise dormant or benign racist attitudes in the indigenous population, well I do not know what tf does. :bulb:
The problem is if you dare say any bloody thing, that could be construed and jumped on immediately as racism in the most tenuous way by these lefty ■■■■ s, you are condemned.
Aka stifling free speech and relevant arguments, that makes East Germany look like Trumpton… :bulb:

These same protesters are the ones who were protesting about Brexit last year then went to music festivals left and horrendous mess behind to rush back to London to protest about the environment. The BBC have a fight on their hands with Sky News for biased coverage never asking the questions that most people want the answers to.

Paul McCartney the next in line for BLM targetting?

This is what they should have used on those ■■■■■■■■ in Bristol and it should have the dyed water so the perps could have been rounded up later !



Plus a squadron of the CRS as those boy’s don’t ■■■■ about they just lay into the ■■■■■■■■ 100%


Gandhi said the Africans were savages, uncivilised and dirty!

Churchill said the Indians were beastly people with a beastly religion. If he had said the Hindus are a beastly religion his statue would be being protected by Sikhs & Muslims today.

He didn’t say that about all Indians, he said it about Gandhi’s Hindu Indians,

Muslim Jinnah wanted to fight alongside the British as did the Sikhs and great fighters they were.

So it was Gandhi’s India that Churchill hated, he was right to do so as history now shows.

I don’t often pull Margaret Thatcher to pieces but maybe over Sikh Khalistan and the Poll Tax she was ill advised.


I, it seems from the ‘Luvvies’ point of view, am a Privileged White Person and I should apologise for that!
Let me tell you how privileged I am,at 15, being the oldest of four children, I had to leave school and get a job to bring another wage into the home.
It didn’t matter what I wanted to do, to work I did go.
Up at 5 every morning and then a long walk for a bus, I humped bags of sugar, 2 Cwt, Flour 2 1/4 Cwt, barrels of Lurpack butter 1 Cwt and lots more on & off a lorry .
When I was at School, they told us Slavery was abolished, they lied! Another lie was ‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’, that was a bloody big Lie!
All my working life I went to work, in Edinburgh they refer to that as ‘Going to their Toil’, they knew what they were talking about.
I used to hear people talk of ‘The White Man’s Burden’, now I understand, it’s all the White Mans fault! Everything!

Our Society is divided as those who can play the Race Card do so with regularity and impunity, the White members of the ‘Perpetually Indignant on Behalf of Other People Society’ cry themselves to sleep at night because they are White & Privileged and not of an Ethnic Race. They join those who seek to alter Britain in their image and make sweeping statements that infer they speak for the majority of British people.
Did you notice the photo of the White woman standing underneath Rhodes statue at the College in Oxford with a banner proclaiming ‘If you’re not with us, you’re against us’?

Here in Glasgow today we had trouble in the City centre, there were people there who stated they were protecting the Cenotaph, there was no trouble until a group called the ‘Youth Art Collective’ turned up and raced past police into George Square. The Luvvies Press stated it was ‘Loyalists’ who created the trouble, the police said it was nothing to do with BLM, the Youth Collective intended to protest about a statue in the Square.

We are now living in a Society where Mob Rule is the norm, where their opinions matter and our’s don’t. Humza Yousaf, SNP Minister of Justice claimed it was a contrast to the BLM protest in Glasgow last Sunday, he didn’t mention the shameful attack on police in London, not surprising really as he would like to alter history too!
Sturgeon stuck her oar in as well, condemning the fighting, she was silent last week when:-
She didn’t step in and prevent the SNP Council allowing BLM protesters to breach the Lockdown and gather packed like sardines in a tin on Glasgow Green.
Yousaf tied the police’s hands on the Saturday by saying the police would ‘Police the rally proportionately.’.
On Monday on Radio Scotland on being asked why the police didn’t step in and make arrests,he passed the buck to the Chief Constable saying it was a police problem, not his.
The Police for their part didn’t arrest the organiser or those on who spoke on the platform in what Yousaf described on the radio as ‘An unlawful gathering’! Political correctness comes before the Law. they didn’t have problem stopping cars on the A82 that Sunday asking drivers where they were going and turning some back, they didn’t have problem moving people in Balloch Park for sitting on seats, these were the ‘Little’ people, of course.
The SNP Council had nothing to say except they were examining whether street names and statues should be removed.

Sooner or later the politicians who continually condone mobs on our streets in the name of ‘Legitimate Protest’ will cause by their actions riots in our streets when both sides of Society clash. That’s not a guess, that’s a fact as we can see how divided Britain is.

That’s my opinion and I stand by every word. Unfortunately we live in a Society where Free Speech is condemned and we only get told by the press & media what they want us to know.
Too bad Social Media is out there, that’s where the truth will surface.


Hiya Alex, First things first and much more importantly, I trust that you and yours are “guy weel” and have kept clear of this terrible Chinese virus ! As usual Mate you are far more articulate than me at setting out how things really are and I fully endorse every word you have posted ! excellent ! These blinkered PC Brigade really do get my '■■■■■■ goat and as for impartiality from that shower —forget it ! As I have said previously their silence is deafening when they are asked to acknowledge who sold the Slaves to the White Slavers in the first place ■■? Well of course it was the Slaves own Chiefs plus a number of Arabs and they Boys are still at it in the 21st Century I understand ! From the history I have learned it was the Dutch and the Portuguese that were Nos. 1 & 2 Slavers and the Frogs weren’t far behind ! I don’t hear much about rioting in Amsterdam or Lisbon by BLM. Anyway Alex unfortunately our posts are shunted onto Bully’s Truckstop so they don’t get the same attention as if they were left on the main TNUK site----- PC has permutated into all aspects of life . :cry: :open_mouth: :blush: :unamused: Kind regards Dennis.

Kent Hauliers and Drivers Facebook site reporting that a company has been forced to withdraw three trailers from service temporarily because while delivering in Middlesborough their driver was threathened by two men because…

The curtains displayed support for the British Legion.

This only a fortnight before the 104th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme 1/1/1916.

Middlesborough deliveries should be blacked until these two are turned over to the Police by the community.

Hiya Alex, First things first and much more importantly, I trust that you and yours are “guy weel” and have kept clear of this terrible Chinese virus ! As usual Mate you are far more articulate than me at setting out how things really are and I fully endorse every word you have posted ! excellent ! These blinkered PC Brigade really do get my '[zb] goat and as for impartiality from that shower —forget it ! As I have said previously their silence is deafening when they are asked to acknowledge who sold the Slaves to the White Slavers in the first place ■■? Well of course it was the Slaves own Chiefs plus a number of Arabs and they Boys are still at it in the 21st Century I understand ! From the history I have learned it was the Dutch and the Portuguese that were Nos. 1 & 2 Slavers and the Frogs weren’t far behind ! I don’t hear much about rioting in Amsterdam or Lisbon by BLM. Anyway Alex unfortunately our posts are shunted onto Bully’s Truckstop so they don’t get the same attention as if they were left on the main TNUK site----- PC has permutated into all aspects of life . :cry: :open_mouth: :blush: :unamused: Kind regards Dennis.

We white British racists , but still they come .Hasn’t word got around how bad we really are. The French are still turning a blind eye to this as boat loads risk their lives to come to Britain to be racially abused by the white man. Blacks are being slaughtered in Africa , women children and men , not by us but by their fellow countrymen . When are we going to wake up to the propoganda which Sky and the BBC keep putting out . There was a rerun of a programme recorded in 2016 where a British black guy went to Chicago and was brought to tears when he saw what was happening. I think he quoted 56 fatal shootings in half of May 2016. But this was gangs , blacks shooting blacks. There was a march through the streets of Chicago with chants of throw away the guns and end the violence. The reason these gangs exist is drugs and greed. The little men keep taking each other out while the big wigs dont get their hands mucky, they just take the cash . The same is happening all over Britain , how many stabbings and shootings in London last year and dare we ask how many we drug related . Sky and the BBC seem to step around the questions that need asking . The government … any government… daredn’t say what they really think . Its frightening

the geezer who had a ■■■■ at the side of the policeman’s memorial has been jailed for 14 days. it’ll be interesting to see how long the blm people who attacked the live police get locked up for. 5 years each i’d imagine :imp:

We have a Blackboy Hill in Bristol which is only a local name and is not on any map.The name comes from a pub that used to stand in the middle of the road years ago inspired by King Charles. The hill is at the top of Whiteladies Road named after the dress of the local nuns. These names were given a right
roasting on ITV news but they have nothing to do with slavery. What they did not say is that for years it has been known as The Blackboy on top the Whiteladies.
I was going to stage my own protest by not buying any more clothes made by child slaves in Asia but I then realised I would be walking around naked.

am i the only one who thinks “black lifes matter” is completely ignored as being openly r
if i went down to hyde park corner with a few white mates with banners proclaiming white lifes matter,then we would all be sitting in the same cell as tommy robinson within 5 mins.
theres no racism unless you are a white man.

Totally agree 100%.


am i the only one who thinks “black lifes matter” is completely ignored as being openly r
if i went down to hyde park corner with a few white mates with banners proclaiming white lifes matter,then we would all be sitting in the same cell as tommy robinson within 5 mins.
theres no racism unless you are a white man.

Totally agree 100%.

That’s my point about the media, they never question the point you made they haven’t once mentioned the other side of the problem . Would you want to police in the USA. I know i wouldn’t it’s bad enough over here. What happened to Floyd is unacceptable no matter what colour the offender is and that is what he was a known offender an armed robber who had previously held a pregnant women at gun point , he wasn’t a run of the mill petty criminal. Did we have the same uproar and marches for Lee Rigby who by the way was serving his country . The media are as much to blame as the rent a mob idiots marching through the streets


Allison & I are fine, thank you. You and Anne are fine?

Being White in the UK is now seen as undesirable, we are also seen as ‘Racists’ because of our colour. Nigel Farage has attacked the Luvvy Press & Media for not telling the truth, for being one sided in reporting. The man’s the only politician I believe in.
Democracy is under attack and the Truth is being hidden.
Next thing we know Jelly Babies will be banned as politically undesirable, they are ‘people’ of colour, what’s worse, people (Probably ONLY White people!) bite their heads off, shameful, isn’t it?
Black Puddings are on the agenda for removal, a protest march will be organised to the Robertson’s Jam works in Manchester for their past racial crimes. Just as well Guy Motor’s are defunct as they would cop it for their Red Indian radiator cap.
The Luvvy SNP Councillors on West Lothian Council got their knickers in a twist this week over a Tory Councillor remarking he was surprised ‘Black Jacks’ sweets were still around and that they had not been banned. Seems a sense of humour is not a requisite for SNP Councillors, not surprised there, look at their leader Sturgeon.

So you take care my friend. Keep speaking up and tell the Truth and to blazes with the Luvvy’s.


Allison & I are fine, thank you. You and Anne are fine?

Being White in the UK is now seen as undesirable, we are also seen as ‘Racists’ because of our colour. Nigel Farage has attacked the Luvvy Press & Media for not telling the truth, for being one sided in reporting. The man’s the only politician I believe in.
Democracy is under attack and the Truth is being hidden.
Next thing we know Jelly Babies will be banned as politically undesirable, they are ‘people’ of colour, what’s worse, people (Probably ONLY White people!) bite their heads off, shameful, isn’t it?
Black Puddings are on the agenda for removal, a protest march will be organised to the Robertson’s Jam works in Manchester for their past racial crimes. Just as well Guy Motor’s are defunct as they would cop it for their Red Indian radiator cap.
The Luvvy SNP Councillors on West Lothian Council got their knickers in a twist this week over a Tory Councillor remarking he was surprised ‘Black Jacks’ sweets were still around and that they had not been banned. Seems a sense of humour is not a requisite for SNP Councillors, not surprised there, look at their leader Sturgeon.

So you take care my friend. Keep speaking up and tell the Truth and to blazes with the Luvvy’s.

Well said

Something fishy about this story, are those complaining descendants of Greenham Common Woman?

I think there’s a Soros sized elephant in the room on stilts to much of this ‘uprising’, pallets of bricks conveniently,placed at trouble spots.The professional agitator with his fake blood pump wired round the covid mask confronting the riot-police, a pure divide-and conquer routine psy-op straight from the Langley textbook.Just a little sideshow in the cultural marxist perma- assault at the behest of the usual protocolar crowd playing out,it’s getting too ■■■■ obvious.

I’m no fan of Cecil Rhodes or any of the other slave-trader crowd,but i don’t really think it’s the point whatsoever.The deep-state are getting distinctly desperate to capitalise on this covid plandemic and i’m firmly of the belief this current farce playing out is simply another arrow from an extensive quiver of agendas-(finance retool,chipped vaccinations,5g rollout,world government) to be thus utilised.Instead of Jacob Schiffs Bolshevik,financed take down of Russia circa 1917 we now have his latter day equivalent,George Soros,deftly tweaking the levers courtesy of Antifa.Soros is the trigger man for the Rothschilds dynasty as was Brzezinski in Afghanistan,Benjamin during the American civil war and Kissinger during Cambodia,Vietnam etc etc.Know thy enemy,see the bigger picture.