Hello everyone looking for a bit of advice coming to the end of a 15 hours day and it works out I will be out of time about 20 minutes away from the yard and I’m contemplating removing my card and driving the rest of the way I obviously know this is naughty and I should not be doing it bla bla bla aside from me actually getting pulled over on the remaing few miles drive are there any other risks to doing this it is defiantly not something I want to make a habit off its just I have to be home tonight
If you are going to put anything unhelpful or just try and tell me off please don’t waste your own time and mine any advice other than that would be most appreciated thanks
When the company download the data from the tachograph it can be matched against the data from your driver card by the analysis company, so if your company is strict there’s every likelihood that they will notice a discrepancy.
Best option is to leave the card in, as long as it’s not a regular occurrence VOSA will allow you 15 minutes to get back at the end of the week anyway, you’ll get an infringement but if you have a reasonably clean record that should be all
just leave the card in and run in then do a print out and write on the back run to safe parking high value load . other than that just stick the magnet on .
Leave it in an write on the printout unsafe to stop with valuable load.
Dont pull it madness !
Where suspicion of motive to disguise more serious offences exists but insufficient proof is gained of such offences and offence is current
£120 FP
£120 FP
Article 15(2), Council Regulation EEC 3821/85, Transport Act 1968, Section 97(1)(a)(iii), SO-5
Where no suspicion of motive or If genuine lack of knowledge eg new qualified driver (but not if he holds a driver CPC) or employer has held only operator licence for a short period of time (restricted licence holders only) and offence is current
Any 4 or more previous offences which
equate to a £60 OR £120 FP offence or one offence which equates to a £200 FP offence or any previous MSI offence
Well it’s going to be more like 20 - 25 mins not 15 is that taking the ■■■■ abit getting picked up by another driver is not an option but I could probably just get picked up by a friend which would mean leaving the truck unattended
Well it’s going to be more like 20 - 25 mins not 15 is that taking the ■■■■ abit getting picked up by another driver is not an option but I could probably just get picked up by a friend which would mean leaving the truck unattended
If your boss don’t mind or they’ve stitched you up there’s no reason not to just leave the truck.
Dont pull card & drive that far as has been said it will be on the unit ( think it stays there for 2 years ) but when company or vosa download your card or unit there will be discrepancies
There will also be a discrepancy on the milage which may have to be accounted for
Leave in do printout write on back the reason & if you keep a diary write it in there so you can go back & check if required at later date
Hope this makes sense long week & a day in bed with migraine
I aint being funny, but in future i think you need to manage your runs better!
I assume you have been multidropping, in that case you NEED to keep a better eye on the time! Its better to miss a drop or 2 to get back WITHIN the time, than to go over it!
That said the damage has been done. DONT pull the card that’ll get you in MORE ■■■■!
as others have said, do a printout and MAKE SURE you get 10 hours rest minimum before you drive the waggon again!
As said it is best to leave the card in.The authorities hate it when fraud or forgery occurs.Be honest and show the truth.If ran with no card the mileage or km’ s wil not match up to your records on the time sheet or work records.
You would have to expain the missing miles.
Then there is cctv in garages if you stopped for the loo or coffee.
And cameras on the road thst record the number plate movements.
Lastly if there was a fatal accident with no card that would be jail time.
If you’re going to be that close can somebody not come and get you and take your truck back?
This would be the best option if it can be done.
Didn’t we do this one several years ago. If you have done your 15 hours, no one can drive the truck back for you, you are still on duty as a passenger.
There is another thread running along the same lines started by the Scottish lad about driving home when your time is up.
If you’re going to be that close can somebody not come and get you and take your truck back?
This would be the best option if it can be done.
Didn’t we do this one several years ago. If you have done your 15 hours, no one can drive the truck back for you, you are still on duty as a passenger.
There is another thread running along the same lines started by the Scottish lad about driving home when your time is up.
I didn’t say it was legal, I said it’s the best option, which short of having a night out it is.
If you’re going to be that close can somebody not come and get you and take your truck back?
This would be the best option if it can be done.
Didn’t we do this one several years ago. If you have done your 15 hours, no one can drive the truck back for you, you are still on duty as a passenger.
There is another thread running along the same lines started by the Scottish lad about driving home when your time is up.
I didn’t say it was legal, I said it’s the best option, which short of having a night out it is.
What even if your driving your bosses car and he’s driving truck back to yard? Or would it depend if you’re driving his car home or back to yard?
The French used to turn a “blind eye” to drivers going over the limits to find a decent place that supplied hot meals and a shower,as long as you wrote on the back of the chart what the intentions were.
Why would anyone allow a driver to sit in a lay by for the whole weekend with no toilet and access to hot food.When just five or ten km`s down the road is a Rouitier that is open all weekend, your truck mates have made it there, so you will sit alone in the cab until Monday morning with a Pot Noodle, milk powder to make a tea or coffee.!!
The directors at Thornburns International got in to a spot of bother with VOSA on drivers moving to park in a safe area when doing Italy.
The lady boss said i am not having my drivers park in an unsafe area when the driving time is up when they can move on and park to a safer place.
They had top of the range trucks.
If you’re going to be that close can somebody not come and get you and take your truck back?
This would be the best option if it can be done.
Didn’t we do this one several years ago. If you have done your 15 hours, no one can drive the truck back for you, you are still on duty as a passenger.
There is another thread running along the same lines started by the Scottish lad about driving home when your time is up.
I didn’t say it was legal, I said it’s the best option, which short of having a night out it is.
What even if your driving your bosses car and he’s driving truck back to yard? Or would it depend if you’re driving his car home or back to yard?
Technically you haven’t finished work if you’re driving back to the yard. If someone were to bring your personal car to you so you could travel straight home it may be ok but I’m not 100% sure. Tachograph might know the answer to that one.
I didn’t say it was legal, I said it’s the best option, which short of having a night out it is.
What even if your driving your bosses car and he’s driving truck back to yard? Or would it depend if you’re driving his car home or back to yard?
Makes no difference, it’s illegal for your company to take you back to base if you’ve run out of working time, it doesn’t matter whether you’re driving or being taken as a passenger, nor does it matter whether the company are taking you back to base or straight home.
Legally travelling back to base from where you’ve left the vehicle is classed as other work.