
Isn’t it strange how some people are so brainwashed that they can only see threat from a different opinion, that is fascism, and at the moment the left wing are the new fascists, they are the one’s who want to crackdown on any kind of speech or thought that goes against the islamofascist’s narrative. Don’t believe a word of anything that comes from our traitorous Parliament, we have been betrayed and as far as I’m concerned anyone who supports our staying in the EU MAFIA is no better than a traitor and a quisling and with the political landscape changing rapidly you just know you are going to have to account for your treachery at some point in the future :laughing: :sunglasses:

Dave Penn;

Isn’t it strange how some people are so brainwashed that they can only see threat from a different opinion, that is fascism, and at the moment the left wing are the new fascists, they are the one’s who want to crackdown on any kind of speech or thought that goes against the islamofascist’s narrative. Don’t believe a word of anything that comes from our traitorous Parliament, we have been betrayed and as far as I’m concerned anyone who supports our staying in the EU MAFIA is no better than a traitor and a quisling and with the political landscape changing rapidly you just know you are going to have to account for your treachery at some point in the future :laughing: :sunglasses:

Dave Penn;

The Left Wing Nazis ended up in a war against the Right Wing British Empire. The Nazis were destroyed, but Germany eventually recovered as a political world power. Britain, saw it’s Empire fall apart, and Brexit is the first chance we’ve had to actually stage any meaningful recovery as a world power.
Churchill, stopped being a liberal - and became a Conservative, and arguably our greatest prime minister.
I don’t give a toss if he made mistakes - anyone else would have just capitulated to the Nazis like Quisling did in Norway.

Chamberlain, to his credit - even bothered to declare war on Germany BEFORE resigning, after the failure of the “Peace in our time” Munich Agreement.

The choice isn’t “Theresa May’s Deal or Remain”, bearing in mind that Theresa May’s deal IS Remain.

The choice is “Vote my deal down, and let me do No Deal as the 52% want, but you still don’t seem to be interested in”.
May’s deal - was only ever a pitch to Parliamentry Remainers - and NOT for the consumption of the general public.

We cannot trust any “2nd referendum” - on the grounds that Parliament, rather than Theresa May - would make sure that “Remain” is on the ballot paper, when it shouldn’t be - whilst “No Deal” is ommitted - when it is the bloody thing the public are being railroaded into asking for an unnecessary 2nd referendum for!

A bit pointless - if the 2nd referendum doesn’t even have the question it was called for - eh? :wink: :unamused:


It’s fake, complete fake news

The Lisbon treaty actually happened in 2009…

This was originally posted on the LBC radio page on Facebook by Russian trolls aiming to divide the country further

Says some johnny-■■■-lately with 4 posts…

Trustred’s only had 4 posts. Does that mean he’s not entitled to comment? How many previous posts do you need in order to express an opinion?