Reload at Livo its near Como/ Lecco

Off iv,e gone up the sp4 just getting round the bends very narrow. No where to to turn round when it started to to look bad. If you ever did groupage to Italy these roads were common, instead of a small truck/van theyed send you, so i got to the top and its dark and the snow is comming down and there is no apple pack house just mountains and swiss. A bar with a few houses and a teacher that spoke english to tell me i,m in the wrong Livo. Also a call from the office and a nice man from convent garden.

Now i have to go down , the only time i,ve used snow chains. I stopped at the turn for Sondrio and a car stopped mother and daughter and told me no way. Onwards to Milan and Verona and then up exit Mezzocorona parking at Mezzolombardo.
Saturday morning up in the snow towards a ski resort i turned round and drove to Bolzano across and met a driver washing his 141 on his drive and he also said no way. Back at Mezzolombardo i dropped the trailer and bobbed up with the cars putting on snow chains 1 hour later i gave up and came back where the snow was only hale way up my leg.

Saturday evening i met 1 of 4 brothers who were sent to Aus in the war i also met the younger 1 . My new friend was the older 1 who was nearly in tears because a glass of red was now 500 lire instead of 400. So i spent the next few days with the brothers,not knowing that the snow had brought down the power lines so no boxes of apples for me until wednesday.

Monday gone to the bank to try and get a transfer[no switch then] . A nice young man behind plate glass told me i should have enough money before i arrived. I thanked him for his time and another nice man shwed me the door. The younger brother Fabio had his own truck and offered to lend me what ever i neede but this was off my normal route so i said no. I also had a problem with my night heater and had run my battery down , Fabio being in the know got another friend to come and put his leads across. Ok battery, leads and a metal top tank , what happen next was a complete shock for me but after my ears had stopped ringing i now have Levis with holes all over[ always ahead of fashion me]

Loading with me swinging like a monkey from the side of the trailer Carlo the elder came with me and has met bunch of old guys and i know he,s telling them about the last few day,s [seemed longer] and he says ,friend you want to drink water, yes i knew it was,nt water but he ho it gave them a laugh to see my face i think my first taste of grappa and by the bottle home made. It was a sad time to leave after the way i,d been treated and i,ve not even told you aboyt Maria in the bar ,have i… in 2 weeks i had eurochques

Sorry i typed this out over an hour ago and lost my connection , which is why its been rushed . The battery that exploded they took it away and repaired it with plastic or something any way it got me home, i did manage to go there a a few times after but that was 86/87.

I got the same prob. the internet connection keeps dropping the ball .Thes things have still a long way to go before they become reliable ,I think.

Nice story and pics :smiley: