Religious nutter tied in knots

Not quite true.If you end up meeting A good God HE is duty bound to punish you for any offences.
You dont have any?
Have you ever lied?
Or have you ever told the truth?
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,it says in the book of deutronomy

Ahh so you also believe there are other ‘gods’ then by that terminology,.and they are apparentlly all male eh?
Still,.I suppose looking back when we were kids, you were allowed to believe in Santa AND the tooth fairy…
Oh but hang on, you once told me you did not let your kids believe in Santa,.with all the pleasure and happiness that brings to little kids, but you thought nothing of filling their poor little heads with all your other b/s…
Class :laughing:

‘Dutronomy’ eh? :laughing: …And there it is the usual ‘sting in the tail’ , finish off with some claptrap quote. :unamused:

Just to say mate, I am not truly convinced about you, .I’ve suspected from day one that you are on a massive wind up,.I even thought it was a mate of mine having a laugh at my expense tbh. :smiley:
If you are on a wind up I love your sense of humour,…If you ain’t I truly feel sorry for you in your narrow minded surpressed life with all this.

Ok,lets talk about children then since you brought it up.210000 children are aborted in the uk ebery year.Most children ,by the time they leave primary school,their parents have already split up.
This never happened when this country was a Christian country and it devestates the lives of these children.
I only ever told my kids that father christmas doesnt exist.I never forbade them to believe it and my daughter only laughed when I asked her if it had a negative effect.We had wonderful Christmases when they were growing up and we celebrated the birth of Jesus.Isnt that what Christmas is about,nit some self rightous bearded man that doesnt exist.
As for the tooth fairy,I allowed that,they used to get a pound for every tooth.And they dont lead oppresive lives,see you are there again,trying to make me out to be the bad guy

‘‘Some self righteous bearded man who doesn’t exist’’.
.Maybe he’s confusing Santa with God.

‘‘Some self righteous bearded man’’.Maybe he’s confusing Santa with God.

Aye,.and one that ‘doesn’t exist’ :open_mouth: …oooh the irony. :laughing:

Ok,lets talk about children then since you brought it up.210000 children are aborted in the uk ebery year.Most children ,by the time they leave primary school,their parents have already split up.
This never happened when this country was a Christian country and it devestates the lives of these children.
I only ever told my kids that father christmas doesnt exist.I never forbade them to believe it and my daughter only laughed when I asked her if it had a negative effect.We had wonderful Christmases when they were growing up and we celebrated the birth of Jesus.Isnt that what Christmas is about,nit some self rightous bearded man that doesnt exist.
As for the tooth fairy,I allowed that,they used to get a pound for every tooth.And they dont lead oppresive lives,see you are there again,trying to make me out to be the bad guy

Nobody split up and there were no abortions eh?
The crap you come out with mate is something else.
There was a helll of a lot of unwanted kids because of the ban on contraception also.
What about the devastated lives of young teenage mothers sent to ruthless Christian led institutions, where they were treated like criminals for 9 months,.then had their babies cruelly taken away from them when born…read your history books instead of filling your head with crap mate.

I also have kids, but the difference between you and me is I never forced my (non) religious ideals on to them.
If they ever asked me if a God exists, or about Jesus if say they had discussed it at school 9n that day, ,.I told them it was for them to decide what to believe, I told them that Jesus Christ (or Hesoos Christus as he was known,) did live at that time but anything about a resurrection , or him being the son of (a) god, again was for them to decide what they believe…

I also gave them the choice of going to Sunday school, mainly because of ‘pressure’ from my own parents,.but they looked at me as if I had asked them to go to school and do a day’s maths,.so they did activities of THEIR choice, not those forced or coerced on them by some overbearing parent with an agenda. :bulb:

People did divorce one hundred years ago but if you look at the statistics,it was very rare ,like one in a thousand in america in the 1850s,a quick google search just told me.Why has the rate increased so mu h since then?
It isnt a Chrustian thing to do,to take a child away from its mother or send a mother and her unwanted children to an institution.Im sure this sort of thing went on,I believe you,without even needing to look it up.
But heres the thing.All sorts of attrocities were carried out under the banner of Christianity but these people couldnt have been Christians.They must have been just proffesing Christians and there have been millions of those over the ages
Like I said,when people go to war,everyone thinks God is on their side.So,if you want to tell me about bad things people have done,tell me about bad things that TRUE Christians have done.Otherwise it is meaningless

Also,you,again falsley accuse me of forcing my beliefs on my children,such nonsense.I cant say much about them because it wouldnt be right given that this isnt a private conversatiin,but I can say,they havent had my beliefs forced on them ,that is so annoying when you accuse me of doing that

Also,you,again falsley accuse me of forcing my beliefs on my children,such nonsense.I cant say much about them because it wouldnt be right given that this isnt a private conversatiin,but I can say,they havent had my beliefs forced on them ,that is so annoying when you accuse me of doing that

So do they share the self same beliefs as you or what?
If the answer is as I suspect is …‘Yes’ , then are you going to tell me and expect me to believe that you had no hand in it?
A guy who (by his own admission) tries to recruit total strangers into his cult let alone his own children.
And again if the answer is ‘Yes’ you can hardly say it is normal, or common for modern kids or teenagers (or whatever stage they are at) to have these views in this day and age.

People did divorce one hundred years ago but if you look at the statistics,it was very rare ,like one in a thousand in america in the 1850s,a quick google search just told me.Why has the rate increased so mu h since then?
It isnt a Chrustian thing to do,to take a child away from its mother or send a mother and her unwanted children to an institution.Im sure this sort of thing went on,I believe you,without even needing to look it up.

It’s got the far end of f/all to do with Christianity, it’s called social evolution, social change, most people move with the times and adapt,.whether it be positively or adversely, otherwise we would still have the same attitudes and ways as our ancestors did.
A bit like music trends,.or fashion, to put an analogy on it.
We ain’t all stuck in the Middle ages with our attitudes you know. :bulb:

As for the other thing…it did exist,.trust me.
Mostly because of repressed religious attitudes by parents of the young girls.

Yes,it did exist.Im against all this organised religion as well.Thats why I left the roman church because I realised the things they had done in the past including slaughtering true Christians.
How can I tell that people who opress young girls who get pregnant outside of wedlock.I only have to look at the book of Mathew.How did Joseph treat Mary when he thought she was carrying another mans child?
He opted to split from her without bringing her to public shame,which is the correct way.He didnt try and threaten to take the baby off her.So these people you mention arent following biblical principles when dealing with these sorts of situations,although they were professng christians

Anyone can call themselves a Christian,then do bad things and then people like you are easily led into thinking that this is what true Christianity is about but without looking at the big picture.
If your neighbour goes and robs a bank ,then calls himself Robroy,you wouldnt like it if I then suggested you were as bad as that person because you both have the same name.Yes,you have annoyed me and Im glad thats all it takes for you to have a great day,but you made me laugh too.First you tried to get me on gays then you tried to get me on the fact that I never told my kids santa eas really coming down the chimney or not.What will be next?Whether I told them about goldilocks or ,no wait,I’ll make it easy for you.I never told them winnie the pooh was real!

Anyone can call themselves a Christian,then do bad things and then people like you are EASILY LEDinto thinking that this is what true Christianity is about but without looking at the big picture.
If your neighbour goes and robs a bank ,then calls himself Robroy,you wouldnt like it if I then suggested you were as bad as that person because you both have the same name.Yes,you have annoyed me and Im glad thats all it takes for you to have a great day,but you made me laugh too.First you tried to get me on gays then you tried to get me on the fact that I never told my kids santa eas really coming down the chimney or not.What will be next?Whether I told them about goldilocks or ,no wait,I’ll make it easy for you.I never told them winnie the pooh was real!

Whoa whoa whoa, let’s cut through all that crap, and rewind a minute here…YOU call ME easily led? :open_mouth:

A guy who not only believes, but actually lives his entire oppressed narrow minded life by a preposterous science fiction fantasy, of a single alien being, creating a whole planet in 7 days and constructing thousands of different spieces of creatures to inhabit it, one of those spieces in his own lookalike image.

Who then goes on to miraculously impregnate a human virgin wife (that always puzzles me btw, if they were married how come Joe never did the business?..dont answer btw I aint that bothered) then that half human half alien hybrid child goes on to be state executed… , but then comes back to life to join his creator on some supernatural universe,.which incidentally accommodates billions of dead people who have also adapted another method of life,.although their actual bodies are left behind on Earth, but only the good ones, the dodgy ones go to a much nastier alien place ran by a guy with a tail who is a bit of a manic pyromaniac,.and sets fire to them all.

It sounds like a Sci Fi Hollywood blockbuster, but you actually and fully believe it is all TRUE FACT !! :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

And then you come on here accusing ME, somebody ,.who is maybe the most level headed, grounded , logical realist bloke you could meet,.who trusts very few people in life …of being EASILY LED ffs !! :laughing: :laughing:

Wow man, just Wow… you have made my day once again,.I’m.actually starting to like you in a funny kind of way :laughing:

And just to be accurate,.nobody has ever said Winnie the Pooh is real, that would be just ridiculous,.where as …ahh I’ll just leave it. :smiley:

(Rob thinks to himself as he’s always wary…‘‘Hmmm starting to like him you say, is this part of his cult member gathering technique ‘’ stroking chin., is he cleverer than I think getting through my barriers’’ )

I stated earlier in this thread that there is a big difference between belief and fact

Those who say that their belief is fact are the main issue and are often dangerous to societies

Nice one,Robroy,but I think its 1-0 to me on this occasion,but hey,youve been a good sport!!

You did post on here before when you told us that Christians shouldnt tell their children about Jesus.
Im not sure how to answer or I dont know what you were expecting as a reply

I think belief is when you arent totally sure of something but fact is when you know.
I know God exists just the fact that we are here to live in this world.

Nice one,Robroy,but I think its 1-0 to me on this occasion,but hey,youve been a good sport!!

1-0 ? You reckon?..hmmmm definitely a case for VAR.
In the meantime get yourself on this thread quick.

. … 2&t=174523

I’ve actually set you up on there for a bout with ‘The Opposition’ , unlimited rounds to a knockout…I want 10% if you win the fight.
I can be your Barry Hearn to my Tyson Fury.
Just call it ‘The Trucknet vengeance of The Crusades’. :laughing:

Haha,ok,I will have a look at it

You did post on here before when you told us that Christians shouldnt tell their children about Jesus.
Im not sure how to answer or I dont know what you were expecting as a reply

I think belief is when you arent totally sure of something but fact is when you know.
I know God exists just the fact that we are here to live in this world.

The late professor hawking would say otherwise and I agree with him

I read his book,a brief history of time,he never ruled out God existing,I almost began to think he might be a believer!
Like biology,the more you study physics,the more all these coincidences you realise that must exist in order for the universe and life to exist,the more you are inclined to believe its simply not possible without a creator.

I read his book,a brief history of time,he never ruled out God existing,I almost began to think he might be a believer!
Like biology,the more you study physics,the more all these coincidences you realise that must exist in order for the universe and life to exist,the more you are inclined to believe its simply not possible without a creator.

“It’s my view that the simplest explanation is that there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realisation: there is probably no heaven and afterlife either. I think belief in an afterlife is just wishful thinking. There is no reliable evidence for it, and it flies in the face of everything we know in science. I think that when we die we return to dust. But there’s a sense in which we live on, in our influence, and in our genes that we pass on to our children. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe, and for that I am extremely grateful.” Hawking.