Reading so many posts on this site I know that many will be so grateful that their heartfelt pleas have been heard.Exploitation,low wages,abuse and
treated abysmaly by their exploiting employers so many on this site will break down that at last changes are going to happen.Our Government is
about to appoint a Minister of Slavery,a man who thinks he will be dealing with those from BongoBongo Land but doesn’t realise a vast army of
drivers from TrucknetUK want to have a word.Go on lads n lasses fill your boots.
got on the beers early tonight then?
I am drinking tonight but now feel humbled
Beer is good for flushing out the kidneys.
…Only if it’s Stout.
I’m sorry, I’m white and English in my own country and I’m a slave because I drive an ARTIC for a living ( pittance! ) my comedian of a boss wants to pay me less than NMW after jumping through hoops to get fully trained by something called DCPC! oooooppppppsssssss I forgot professional driver!