Reg Cook

Found this one in the archives and it sums him up when he worked for OHS ,i allways wonder what happened to Reg ,a real character.

Every morning at 1100hrs all the managers had to be in his office to give him the position with their department. I had a sheet of paper with all 75 tractors and 135 trailers and he wanted to know where every bit of the equipment was. I used to call it the daily liar as i knew ■■■■ well that there were probabl;y six trucks in the yard, another dozen waiting for rrpairs in Belgium, probably another twenty waiting for money and diesel in Munich, at least a dozen parked upin Istanbul and if we really lucky probably about ten trucks actually moving.

At one of these meetings, the phone rings and he puts the call on speakerphone as it is one of the English drivers, Reg Cook, phoning from Istanbul:

Sertel - Good morning Reg, you have a problem.

Reg- Yes MrSertel, I need diesel.

Sertel - What do you need diesel for Reg.

Reg - Truck runs on diesel, Mr Sertel.

Sertel - Reg, I don’t know why you don’t use your initiative.

Reg - Mr Sertel, truck runs on diesel, not initiative.

This should give you an insight as to how the man carried on.

Like I said I have so many stories I could relate in respect of working for Sooty.
The train of failure runs on the tracks of laziness

Posts: 195[quoteEvery morning at 1100hrs all the managers had to be in his office to give him the position with their department. I had a sheet of paper with all 75 tractors and 135 trailers and he wanted to know where every bit of the equipment was. I used to call it the daily liar as i knew ■■■■ well that there were probabl;y six trucks in the yard, another dozen waiting for rrpairs in Belgium, probably another twenty waiting for money and diesel in Munich, at least a dozen parked upin Istanbul and if we really lucky probably about ten trucks actually moving.

At one of these meetings, the phone rings and he puts the call on speakerphone as it is one of the English drivers, Reg Cook, phoning from Istanbul:

Sertel - Good morning Reg, you have a problem.

Reg- Yes MrSertel, I need diesel.

Sertel - What do you need diesel for Reg.

Reg - Truck runs on diesel, Mr Sertel.

Sertel - Reg, I don’t know why you don’t use your initiative.

Reg - Mr Sertel, truck runs on diesel, not initiative.

This should give you an insight as to how the man carried on.

Like I said I have so many stories I could relate in respect of working for Sooty.
The train of failure runs on the tracks of laziness

Posts: 195
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:02 pm
Location: Emmer Green, Reading.

Glad it’s not just me having bother with multiple posts

Good Mornıng to you,
whıch years dıd you work for OHS? and what was your posıtıon?

Glad it’s not just me having bother with multiple posts