Reduced weekly breaks - Bit of help please?

Hi, just after a bit of help please…

Reading the rules and regs for reduced breaks and there are two conclusions depending on what driver/office i speak to about the correct way of taking them :laughing:

So… Can anyone clear it up please? (lets make life easy) An example of how some people think it works…
Based on doing monday to friday, weekends off (which is my pattern anyway!)

Reduced 40 hours off - weekend 1
Reduced 40 Hours off - weekend 2
Catch up 45 Hours off - weekend 3 PLUS 5 hours from W/E1 and 5 Hours from W/E2
Meaning 55 hours needed.

I think its like this…

Reduced 40 hours off weekend 1
Catch Up 45 hours off weekend 2 + 5 hours from w/e 1
Reduced 40 hours off weekend 3
Catch Up 45 hours off weekend 4 + 5 hours from w/e 3

I hope ive made it clear enough :open_mouth: But any help would be superb! :smiley:

Hi, just after a bit of help please…

Reading the rules and regs for reduced breaks and there are two conclusions depending on what driver/office i speak to about the correct way of taking them :laughing:

So… Can anyone clear it up please? (lets make life easy) An example of how some people think it works…
Based on doing monday to friday, weekends off (which is my pattern anyway!)

Reduced 40 hours off - weekend 1
Reduced 40 Hours off - weekend 2
Catch up 45 Hours off - weekend 3 PLUS 5 hours from W/E1 and 5 Hours from W/E2
Meaning 55 hours needed.

I think its like this…

Reduced 40 hours off weekend 1
Catch Up 45 hours off weekend 2 + 5 hours from w/e 1
Reduced 40 hours off weekend 3
Catch Up 45 hours off weekend 4 + 5 hours from w/e 3

I hope ive made it clear enough :open_mouth: But any help would be superb! :smiley:

The first example does not comply with the EU regulations if those are the only weekly rest periods taken.

The second example would be legal but it’s not legally necessary to pay the reduced hours back the following week.

The regulations say that in any two consecutive weeks you should have either two full 45 hour weekly rests, or one 45 hour weekly rest and one reduced weekly rest of no less than 24 hours.

In other words you must have a full 45 hour weekly rest period at least every other week.

The reduced weekly rest must be paid back by the end of the third week following the week in which the reduced weekly rest was taken.

The payback in the example 5 hours, can be added onto any daily or weekly rest period on no less than nine hours.

Ah i see… i think :blush:

So adding onto the daily rests, i usually have circa 12 off anyway, so if i had 12 off every day, (min 11) that would mean i can pay back the 5 hours over the week then?

Sorry if im sounding thick :unamused:

Ah i see… i think :blush:

So adding onto the daily rests, i usually have circa 12 off anyway, so if i had 12 off every day, (min 11) that would mean i can pay back the 5 hours over the week then?

Sorry if im sounding thick :unamused:

You’re not sounding thick :wink:

Sorry I should have added in my previous post that any reduced weekly rest has to be paid back en block, so if you reduce a weekly rest by 5 hours it must be paid back in one 5 hour block, by being added to a rest period of no less than 9 hours, by the end of the third week following the reduced weekly rest week.

But even if it’s paid back the same week it’s still counted as a reduced weekly rest so the previous week and the following week would need to be a full 45 hour weekly rest week.

You would need a 14 hour daily rest to pay back 5 hours, 9 hour reduced daily rest plus 5 hours payback = 14 hours, this is of course assuming that you have a reduced daily rest (9 hours) available.

Weekly RestWithin six 24 hour periods from the end of the last weekly rest period, a driver will extend a daily rest period into either: 1. A regular weekly rest period of at least 45 hours.
  1. Or a reduced weekly rest period of less than 45 hours but at least 24 hours.

In any two consecutive weeks, a driver shall take at least two regular weekly rest periods, or one regular weekly rest period and one reduced weekly rest period of at least 24 hours.
However, the reduction shall be compensated by an equivalent period of rest taken en bloc before the end of the third week following the week in question.

Any rest taken as compensation for a reduced weekly rest period shall be attached to another rest period of at least nine hours.

A weekly rest period that falls in two weeks may be counted in either week, but not in both.

A rest period of at least 69 hours in total may be counted as two back-to-back weekly rests (e.g. a 45-hour weekly rest followed by 24 hours), provided that the driver does not exceed 144 hours’ work either before or after the rest period in question.