Redflex HADECs speed cameras now live!

Seen these flashing away over last few weeks wondering what they were, now I know!! Watch yourself out there… … e-1158.php

They shouldn’t affect us too much in our work motors, well hopefully.

Wonder how long it will be before tailgating gets automated fines via cameras and sensors, that will affect lots of people behind the wheel of lorries.

There’s some cameras mounted on the sides of the gantries on M25 near the A1 turn (J23) that are flashing away quite merrily every time I’m down that way. No one seems to be going excessively fast though.

There’s some cameras mounted on the sides of the gantries on M25 near the A1 turn (J23) that are flashing away quite merrily every time I’m down that way. No one seems to be going excessively fast though.

Seen this on the South side. No limit showing, yet these things are flashing away!

Seen this on the South side. No limit showing, yet these things are flashing away!

but what speed is the traffic moving at ? a variable limit need not be in operation for it to be clicking away at speeds in excess of the nat speed limit

These surprised me, I thought I was going mad. I’ve never seen any speed cameras go off round the M25 and then every day I saw them go off!

I don’t think the margin is very high, I’ve seen them go off but when glancing to see who the unlucky driver was they all seemed to be doing the same speed with only one getting caught.


Seen this on the South side. No limit showing, yet these things are flashing away!

but what speed is the traffic moving at ? a variable limit need not be in operation for it to be clicking away at speeds in excess of the nat speed limit

I’m not sure if that’s how they work. Is this fact?



Seen this on the South side. No limit showing, yet these things are flashing away!

but what speed is the traffic moving at ? a variable limit need not be in operation for it to be clicking away at speeds in excess of the nat speed limit

I’m not sure if that’s how they work. Is this fact? … as-6152759

I am doubtfull that these cameras are being used for speed enforcement, more likely it is part of the system to manage the smart motorways(automatic traffic management) as in computer monitored speed detection at points of the network, set to go off at speeds below the speed limit, then the computer would then know to set the speed on the next gantry back to slow approaching traffic.
Why would they need an extra camera for speed enforcement, when they already have adequate speed cameras over every lane on every other gantry just about?