redbull drink

Do any one find this nrg drink really helps keep you awake when
doing a night run?

No better than cheapo Asda ‘Blue Charge’ & not convinced it does anything anyway. I now stick to a couple of apples & small thermos of coffee.

Do any one find this nrg drink really helps keep you awake when
doing a night run?

Not really, if you have a day job in the week and you start to feel a bit tired at the weekends then don’t mess about, just get some Speed. You might grind your teeth and chatter to everyone but you definatley won’t fall asleep. It’s quite cheap now as well.

SPEED! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Ihope that was a joke or have I missed something again :confused: :confused:

Tablespoon full of coffee granules down your throat, followed by a big gulp of water. If the caffiene dont keep you awake, the foul taste will!!! :laughing: :laughing:

If I’m already yawning Red Bull won’t keep me awake. It definitely feels like an energy boost though, when I’m up and about

if you get tired during the working day
you’ve done too much or you shouldnt be working the shift pattern your on …
or your kids have kept you awake
and cycling to work has worn you out…
stop immediatley and lock on to trucknet to find remedy :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Do any one find this nrg drink really helps keep you awake when
doing a night run?

Not really, if you have a day job in the week and you start to feel a bit tired at the weekends then don’t mess about, just get some Speed. You might grind your teeth and chatter to everyone but you definatley won’t fall asleep. It’s quite cheap now as well.

A line of coke does it for me, a much better comedown, speed is for ■■■■■■.

Yeah, but coke only lasts three quarters of an hour so you keep having to stop for another line. :cry: :cry:

Im sure if u ask any1 in a paddy wagon they will give you a few hints n tips on how to stay awake seeing as they run all day and night… but best learn polish first

i prefer a mouthfull of wasps…more of a buzz :laughing: :laughing:

Red Bull doesn’t do anything for me. I get litre bottles of Kick from Tesco’s which is quite good, but on continent I drink Dark Dog which does the business :slight_smile:

Do any one find this nrg drink really helps keep you awake when
doing a night run?

bear in mind nearly every country in europe has banned this drink,so lets dump it in the uk.
we are suckers for anything.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I am the only one here who can’t believe that Neil hasn’t chipped into this one yet ■■?
Extoling the virtues of the caffiene diet… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

what is all this talk of drug fueled truck drivers
is it legal to consume controled narcotics whilst being at the helm of a large goods vehicle

is it legal to consume controled narcotics whilst being at the helm of a large goods vehicle

Blimey!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

An American sailor.


what is all this talk of drug fueled truck drivers
is it legal to consume controled narcotics whilst being at the helm of a large goods vehicle

It depends who controls it I suppose… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I dont drink hot drinks, cant stand the taste of em, i do however drink around 5 cans a day of redbull, it doesnt give me a buzz of any kind, i usually have a can around 10 mins before i go to bed when im up the road (4-5 nights out every weeek). I just drink it purely for the taste of it.

how can anyone drink Redbull without Vodka? :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont drink hot drinks, cant stand the taste of em, i do however drink around 5 cans a day of redbull, it doesnt give me a buzz of any kind, i usually have a can around 10 mins before i go to bed when im up the road (4-5 nights out every weeek). I just drink it purely for the taste of it.


gets bloody expensive though, and not too keen on the cheapo asda/tesco ■■■■■