Recovery job

Hi all, starting a recovery course next week (heavy and light) just wondered if anyone has done any recovery work and what the job is like.

I used to do light breakdown/recovery work.
I enjoyed the job,despite being called out at all hours and in all weathers.
The garage I worked for was only small but could be very busy during the summer.Three of us worked on a 3 week rota. 1st week I would be on breakdown call-out,working in the garage during the day then on call evenings and week-ends.2nd week I was on stand-by to do recoveries and 3rd week was a week off(in theory :unamused: ). Could earn excellent money,but did a lot of hours for it.

You will meet all kinds of people,most of them very nice, some complete [zb]s. You will work on your own initiative a lot,and every day will be different.

Thanks for the info Highlander, looking forward to the course and (hopefully) job afterwards.

Can’t give you any up to date advice on recovery as when I did some it was 40 years ago when I came out of the army.
Worked for a short while on Keele MSA where we had a Diamond T wrecker with a Holmes 750 wrecking gear.
What a tool!.
No such thing as training courses then,you had to pick it up as you went on.
Very interesting job,can be very hard work,likely to be called out at any hour,weather can vary from great to ■■■■■■■ awful.You tend to be busier when the weather is ■■■■■■■ awful,as that’s when there are more accidents.
All the best!

beware… :smiley: …you’ll get addicted.
rates of pay are pretty crap,especially if the company you work for has new or blingy kit,as there will be a waiting list of hero’s waiting for a drive.
i spoke to heavy driver in birmingham and he was on £7.00 an hour…he picked up a fully loaded artic from warwick services and was to tow upto liverpool…it was snowing…it was 8 pm.
they make up for the crap rate by doing lots of hrs…but now they are on tacho it’s not so good,the hrs are not there.
but you’ll get addicted to it,like we all did…beacons on,dirty high vis coat,ussually soaking wet,big cheesy grin on your face.
as usaul with all these things it looks far better from the outside than it actually is,and the industry is going through a bit of turmoil at the moment…

:open_mouth: the pic needs resizing as it has made the post too wide - try ‘message board’ size :bulb: :bulb:

Too wide?? Not wide enough for my screen :sunglasses:

Or if you code it right then you can make a small image clicky to the large version.

[url=http://ADDRESS OF LARGE IMAGE.jpg][img]http://ADDRESS OF SMALL IMAGE.jpg[/img][/url]

In the above example:


just make the combo even bigger than it is :smiley: :smiley:

i’ll look into that…looks ok on my screen,but don’t want to cause any problems. :confused:

ok i’ve saved that at message board size…doesn’t look different on my screen but may do at your end. :slight_smile:

Doesn’t look any different here, edit the link with the new size photo and preview the post before submitting.

CLICK HERE for the Photobucket tutorial to re-size images. 640 x 480 would be ideal for here.