Recognise this seddon atkinson 401?

any one know any history of this seddon atkinson 401.she has been restored by my mate chris who is presently restoring the aec .

Dunnow the history, but it looks a treat :smiley: , whats under the bonnett??

ralphs of leigh sinton worcs i think?

that truck brings back memorys,i had one in the late 80s with a 265 rolls in it, never let me down once in the time i had it even thou it was very second hand and had mega miles on it.happy days :slight_smile:

used to be,or still is a company in kingswinford that had several of these on steel haulage but the name escapes me at the moment :bulb:

the company was deddingtons i think?

that sounds like it,that 401 looks like one of their old motors

had a chap ring me and said it looks like she used to belong to LEDDINGTONS? OF KIDDEMINSTER. on steel haulage.she has a big cam ■■■■■■■ 14 ltr 290.and she sounds lovley! bob.

had a chap ring me and said it looks like she used to belong to LEDDINGTONS? OF KIDDEMINSTER. on steel haulage.she has a big cam ■■■■■■■ 14 ltr 290.and she sounds lovley! bob.


wonder which is it LEDDINGTONS OR DEDDINGTONS? I dont remember seeing their wagons about.bob

wonder which is it LEDDINGTONS OR DEDDINGTONS? I dont remember seeing their wagons about.bob

it was deffo leddingtons from kingswinford

I had a 401 in 1994 A286OVM EX TANKFREIGHT 6X2 14LITRE ■■■■■■■ 290 9 SPEED FULLER,would go off the clock,and come back from Tilbury to Wigan in top gear at 38 tonnes.wENT UP 3MILER ON 62 AT 44MPH,would pee all over the r480 i drive now.No brakes though and a crap heater ,and was forever wearing out bushes on steer axle,ended up binning the autolube and greasing em every week made no difference still my favourite wagon along with dodge k1050s that my dad had :smiley:

it definatly looks like one of john leddingtons old motors, he is a good friend of my dads. He is still about running a couple of daf xf"s and i think he runs out of wordsley, just down the road from kingswinford.

used to see his wagons in servosteel a few years back in halesowen