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Probably do max driving days of about 6 hours and any excuse to knock bonuses. One scratched car out of 55 a week and every bit of bonus gone to pay for it. Might be wrong though, but can’t see it at £150+ per day with bonuses and nights out on top. That figure is probably a top out on the pay structure. Probably worth a ring to find out more if you’ve got the experience though

Its got Igloo written at the bottom,so you can guarantee its absolute horse ■■■■.

Dont dismiss it as bs,around 25 years ago transporter men where on around 700 a week. I could have gone on cars back in the 70s and earned over twice the money compared with general haulage,but the only thing that put me off at the time was the complete car sitting over the top of the cab on an artic.

Job doesn’t sound that bad, but applications through an agency… Not good…

I’m guessing the agency is there to get rid of the ’ Dead wood’ that apply for every job going.

If they are paying decent money it wouldn’t be far out if you where doing two loads a day with your night out money and expenses included

Also think there is a really shortage of drivers in the car job.