Ready for work :D

I passed my mod4 this afternoon.

It was a little harder than I expected it to be if I’m honest. It’s not like any of it is hard its self. Its just remembering everything that got me.

I didn’t have to use the demo trolley. With a few of the questions the examiner was looking for a different answer to what I was told by the instructor. For example leaving the cab when parked on the left of the road in heavy traffic. I was told during the training the answer is to exit via the passenger door on the pavement side. As I went to do this the examiner said “Well you wouldn’t be able to do that in most lorries so you have to leave from the driver side!” I just looked for a second and just improvised. “Well in that case I’d have to just wait for the road to clear and exit normally then.”

Another one was light checks, my instructor never mentioned anything about the number plate lights. I was stood there knowing the examiner was waiting for another answer after I’d finished my answer, so I just took a stab in the dark by answering number plate.

I don’t know what my score was (don’t really understand the scoring to be honest) I’m just glad its all over with. I’m sure my hair line has receded quite a bit in the past 2 months. When I told the examiner that after we’d finished he laughed and pointed to his shiny hairless head :smiley: :smiley:

This afternoon I’ve been looking for haulage companies on googlemaps to visit locally. The amount of minibus and random things listed as “Haulage” in my area is ridiculous. I’m going to check the job centre tonight too.

Does anyone know of any companies that have depots in South Wales who will taken on new drivers?

Any type of work that keeps me in the UK is suitable. I don’t mind late/early starts, tramping etc. Anything will do me to gain experience.

Thanks to everyone on here who dedicates their free time to helping others. You’re all stars!!!


Hi mate try having a look on covers all areas just type in what job you want and your area . and reeds is another one …
best of luck

Well done for passing it, its another milestone out of the way :smiley:


Went and signed up with 2 of the local agencies today.

They gave me the old “I’ll give you a ring on Monday.” not holding my breath but you never know. :sunglasses: