Reading attack


I just feel that all these BLM protests are going to push race relations back about 40 years in this country. Don’t see the need for it in this country as I think we are very tolerant here, perhaps too much sometimes. Probably going to change now though.

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In the 70’s, I was growing up in Brixton. My dad ran an off-licence the site of which now sits a Pizza takeaway last time I looked.
My memory of it was that Blacks and Whites got on back then.

I was one of four white kids in my primary school class - and the only kids I got pushed around by, - were the other three white kids!!

Fast forward to the present, and anyone driving through London late on a sunday morning will be greeted with the sight of well-dressed black people pouring out of Churches everywhere.

I’ve always found that Asian Sikhs and West Indian Blacks are the best neighborhood ethnics to live among. I live in a predominantly Sikh neighborhood now to this day. I’ve also got Kosovans, Ukranians, and other Eastern Europeans living in the same street as me further up.
I’ve broken bread with these people, laughed and joked in pubs with them - but I wasn’t lucky enough to get to date any girls of my own age as a teenager, alas. Nearly all the foreigners back then were fleeing from places like Idi Amin’s Uganda, Kenya, and we got a few “Vietnamese Boat People” as well, or course.

Surely we must ALL have a mate who’s a bit of a “Denzil Tulser” character, bearing in mind that although fictional - he was even a Trucker to boot!

It isn’t we Brits that have to change to suit those coming in who don’t want to change

We also don’t have a problem with non-white Brits already here who did everything to fit in with us whiteys whilst we were still growing up in our younger days…

As I said - the 70’s was NOT a time of “Racial Discourse” from my memory, so how DARE these “Millenials” start guffing off about how racist we oldsters are that only grew up with the decent proper ethnic communities of both yesteryear AND Today - as I believe Racial Harmony never actually left us….

…it is merely fogged-out by made-up dischord that wasn’t there before at all, but made-up by those on the Left that think sowing such divisions is their way back into power again…

Maybe they should have considered doing something for those votes they want at Town Hall level, rather than being Labour incumbents there for donkeys years, only to blame the powder keg they continue to stoke up on the incumbent Tories, or the Far AWAY “Far Rights” that don’t seem to be doing much “dischord” at all, anywhere really… just “rumoured” to be present causing the violence at Antifa/BLM type meetings, or so we’re told and expected to believe…

Our Law Authorities and Media - need to get a grip here.

Lives would be saved just from would-be criminals not being so encouraged to attack those “not them” as the Mainstream likes to both encourage, and then cover up for them so acting out… :frowning:

There’s no such thing as “Mental Health” in my mind. It is “Good” and “Bad” as a CHOICE, and a lifestyle choice at that. :neutral_face:
The only “Hate” that abounds - is the type of hate that makes a person want to stick a knife into a complete stranger, merely because they look different from them…
Now THAT is the “Racism” and the “Hatred” in the same vessel then and there!

More effort needs to be put on foreign minorities in particular to simply “Fit In”. That’s it.

The Hard Working Eastern Europeans - seem to have managed it alright - haven’t they?

…Or am I describing “White Priviledge” here? :unamused:

Dead right. I went to school there and I’ve said before on here the same as you. We all got on. I agree with the rest of the post as well.

This is my old first primary school - Ashby Mill.

It has since been converted into gentrified flats, by the looks of it…

The overhead shot - you can see the buildings as they used to be when it was a school.

The school served the Acre Lane neighborhood, which to this day now as then - has a black majority of course…

Tory Britain


Apparentlly this individual was already …'‘On Police radar’. :unamused: (again)
I know they can’t be watched 24 hours a day, so the obvious thing to do I would have thought is stop ■■■■ ing about waiting for them to murder decent innocent people…and deport the ■■■■ s.!! :bulb:
Prevention is better than cure.

The school served the Acre Lane neighborhood, which to this day now as then - has a black majority of course…
is that not the entire uk problem summed up into one line right there?

Sorry bud, I’m missing what you’re getting at there…

Meanwhile, the second of three victim’s name has been released, and the opening there for a possible motive is released with it.

Let’s not let the demonstrators try and hijack this killing now as being “against them”, even if it is now shown to be not OF them.
The suspect is clearly of Islamic background, and I won’t be buying into the argument that this perp is some kind of “Far Right Christian Fundementalist” as any narrative might now be about to make it on the “Homophobic” angle… :frowning:

The police need to dig up this suspect’s movements prior to the attack. It isn’t an “alleged” attack, so let’s have our authorities get away from this rubbish that “no crime has been committed here, until proven”.
3 people are dead. A crime HAS been committed, and there’s little to no chance that the police have arrested the “wrong man” here.
Now establish “motive” properly, rather than palm us off with the old chestnuts of “Mental Health Issues”, “Asylum system - not to blame” or “Social Background - irrrelevant”.
We know what happened, when and by whom - now establish the WHY.
Is this a Hate Crime based around Homophobia, or these three individual victims targeted on the grounds that they were White Westerners?
We should not be jumping to the conclusion that it is some kind of “Isis vs Infidel” narrative neither, of course…
The subsequent investigation now involves the American Embassy. They might push for answers that some over here might like to sweep under the carpet, so perhaps it is time to step back - and let our combined authorities go about their business of administering justice - PROPER justice, devoid of “political concerns”.

perhaps it is time to step back - and let our combined authorities go about their business of administering justice - PROPER justice, devoid of “political concerns”.

It’s obvious that all of it, from the Floyd case, to the resulting tacit support of desecration of historic monuments, and one rule for Middle Eastern attackers and another for US Coppers, is ‘Political’.
In the Floyd case a racially motivated murder narrative was established by media from the outset.
In this case obviously conveniently a rogue mad man.

This predictable zb would be laughable if the agenda behind it wasn’t so obvious and sinister.

“We’ll do what we can to avoid this foreign national being accused of being a Jihadist, BUT if there then becomes a danger of the perp being mis-interpreted as a Far Leftist then revert to type, and let the Far RIght scum in power believe that this is a jihadist, rather than one of our own number - the lesser of two evils, you understand…”

“First priority though is to find some excuse ANY excuse to try and brand said perp as being an instrument of the nascent far right, if at all possible.”

“Sadly, this perp on this occasion being of both Islamic origin all but rules that pathway contingency out. Use option 22b (c) - Try and palm off perp as “Convert to Christianty” so that the Christian Far Right can be hopefully blamed. Brief arresting officers not to investigate this suspects other contacts accordingly. Must not find proof of connections to Islam/Antifa/BLM instead, nor confirm no connection with anyone remotely Christian/Jewish/Far Right at any time in their lives. Lose relevant footage to suit, or just press release that we’ve already checked the tens of thousands of hours of footage, and can confirm 100% to the waiting public that there was never a connection to Antifa/Far Left/BLM/ at any time. “Lone Wolf Attacker with pre-existing Mental Health Issues” - is the stock press release for the occasion.”

So this criminal with extremist views and known by our security services was allowed to remain in our country no doubt at tax payers expense and Carries out this atrocity, and all I’ve heard on the BBC today is how the ‘community’ of Reading needs to come together and not questioning why this vile individual was in our country and not deported to his country of origin.

I can almost feel a seething rage from the silent majority who have had enough of the liberal left creep that has been going on for to long…

The Police are the ones far too liberal these days, the Government have gone to close to the center despite winning a majority supposedly based on them shifting Right, whilst Labour, the BBC, and other Left political factions - are happy to not have their “protesting luvvies” blamed for what was originally an external threat nurtured BY the left since 1997.

…All the Tories had to do from December was use the lockdown as an excuse to close our borders utterly to undesirables, and then go about the persecution for those criminal elements already here.
Why couldn’t we be knocking DOWN some 3000 doors of “MI5 interest” rather than “watch them from afar, standing right behind them the moment the perp so much as picks up a knife”…

Streatham - was a police/intelligence community success story by comparison to Reading, after all…

Even for the ridiculous country we now live in, this is unbelievable. Condemnation for flying a white lives matter banner, priceless

If you think about it logically, the whole ‘Black/White’ thing is a nonsense - there aren’t any ‘black’ or ‘white’ humans on the planet, we’re all coloured people, in shades from pale cream to dark brown, but no black or white. So, are we ‘coloured people’, or ‘people of colour’? There’s another bone of contention for the professional objectors…

Burnley condemn 'White Lives Matter' banner flown over Manchester City match

Even for the ridiculous country we now live in, this is unbelievable. Condemnation for flying a white lives matter banner, priceless

its meant to be a white indigenous country with foreign immigrants integrating in with us,this is just another example of the lefty snowflakes tail wagging the dog.

if its diddycoys,muslims,lefty gay vegetarian whale kissing tree huggers,then every normal person has yo go out of their way to keep them happy.
im so glad im over here in 1980 where the cancer is spreading,but not to any great extent like the mainland uk.
i can see the politicials grovelling for votes,but surely theres a football player or cop ect that has a bit of backbone to not do as they are browbeaten into doing by acting as if they give a toss?

Carried out by another [zb] who happens to be of Middle Eastern origin I hear, …what a surprise eh?

More than likely be one of those poor refugees we hear about, fleeing oppression from their country of origin, and reputed to be something like a qualified Doctor, or a solicitor, by the lefty liberals :unamused: ,… but by sheer coincidence all (or the vast majority) seeming to be young fighting age males

Yep, I was right…‘‘A Libyan national granted asylum in the UK’’ according to Sky News this morning.
When is the Government of this country going to listen to the MAJORITY of people who live in it and who were born in it, and sort all this ignoring and turning a blind eye crap, in favour of political correctness and pandering to the liberal leftie minority.

when i first read the head lines, it pretty much said man attacks people in park, 3 dead…soon as i read that it was oviouse what it was about. for weeks media been printing headlines say black man killed by white man, white man assults black person etc then a none white person kills 3 and wounds 20 odd others. there no mension of colour, race or relidgion… right ok. do i think what happend to the guy that got killed by the police was right, no course i dont. whats off is when one lot are called out for having racisum in there culture, the another lot can go round killing others and u cant say to them thay have racisum in theres too…?

What’s with the uproar,surrounding the banner displayed over Manchester last night?
Seen plenty of other banners displayed over the last few days.
What’s the difference?

As a man, I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person, but I was born white, into a two-parent household which now, whether I like it or not, makes me “Privileged”, a racist & responsible for slavery.

I am a fiscal & moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist because I plan, budget & support myself and my family.

I went to Secondary School & have always held a job. I now find out that I am not here because I earned it, but because I was "advantaged”.

I am heterosexual, which now makes me a homophobe. I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.

I am older than 50, making me a useless eater who doesn’t understand Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat.

I think & I reason, and I doubt much of what “mainstream” media tells me, which makes me a "Right-wing conspiracy nut”.

I am proud of my heritage & our inclusive British culture, making me a xenophobe.

I believe in hard work, fair play, & fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.

I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which makes me a borderline sociopath.

I believe in the defence & protection of Great Britain for & by all citizens, now making me a militant.

I am proud of our flag, what it stands for and the many who died to let it fly, so I must be an imperialist and a racist.

Please help me come to terms with the new me because I’m just not sure who I am anymore!

Funny - it all took place over the last 7 or 8 years !!

If all this nonsense wasn’t enough to deal with, now I don’t even know which ■■■■■■■ toilet to use !!

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for weeks media been printing headlines say black man killed by white

It’s obvious that there is an agenda within an agenda in all this.


for weeks media been printing headlines say black man killed by white

It’s obvious that there is an agenda within an agenda in all this.

Yes its the media manipulataing people minds just like social media. Turn it off and crack on. If jo bloggs who is of different ethnicity say hi say hi back. I always say hi to everyone.

We go abroad on holiday. Just because we were in the euro doesnt meant we are all of same race. Spaniards germans french italians etc would all be other ethnicities if we never joined a union. Pull up your big boy pants and look outside the box. We are all equal. All human.

The guy on the left hired the plane to fly the banner, don’t think I need to say more

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