
Im enroute for another try at the test, sorted out the £460 for it when Ive got the cheque, Ill book the retest when the cheques in the bank… :sunglasses:

sorted out the £460 for it when Ive got the cheque

£460 for a RETEST ■■ Hope that includes at least another two days training - otherwise it is extortionate !!


all the best with the re-test and please let us know
how it went,

All the best with the re-test :smiley:

Good luck DAFf95X , you’ll get there pal


Good luck with your test mate, my retest is costing £600 which includes two full days one 2 one training and test on third day…not bad since i only failed for going 36mph in a 30 zone…but i don’t mind as its extra training and i am being funded (thank god)…otherwise it’d have cost me £1,600 in total!

once again i wish you the VERY VERY BEST OF LUCK.

£460 for a RETEST ■■ Hope that includes at least another two days training - otherwise it is extortionate !!


A days retraining (I know where I went wrong) and the test the next day.
Just out of interest, do fail on 1 serious or is it if accrue more serious?

A single serious will fail you - you can get a few minors for the same thing before it is a fail (3 ■■) …

Best of luck with it !!!


A single serious will fail you - you can get a few minors for the same thing before it is a fail (3 ■■) …

Best of luck with it !!!


IIRC you’re allowed up to 15 minors, I’m sure it’s 5 for the same fault (?)

Good luck with the retest

A single serious will fail you - you can get a few minors for the same thing before it is a fail (3 ■■) …

Best of luck with it !!!


You can get upto 16 minors before a fail, just couldnt remember how many serious’s before a fail… :blush:
On my test I got 10 minor and 2 serious… :frowning:

All the best for the re-test :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:



all the best for your re-test

Thanks everyone - the cheque is in the bank now… :sunglasses:
I just wont wipe out a set of fuel pumps again if we need to refuel… :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks everyone - the cheque is in the bank now… :sunglasses:
I just wont wipe out a set of fuel pumps again if we need to refuel… :laughing: :laughing:

Is that where your minors came from then :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:


Thanks everyone - the cheque is in the bank now… :sunglasses:
I just wont wipe out a set of fuel pumps again if we need to refuel… :laughing: :laughing:

Is that where your minors came from then :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

No, that was on the lessons… :laughing: :laughing:
I just tried to drag a traffic island with me on the test…it was that or run a cyclist over… :laughing: :laughing:

My retest is the 28/29 September…the test being on the 29… :sunglasses:

good luck with the test mate…just stayed calm & focused for that 50mins +

good luck with the test mate…just stayed calm & focused for that 50mins +

Thanks - I popped into the training centre to pay for it and asked what time the test is…14:30 on a Friday… :open_mouth: