I was at the Co-op in Barnsley yesterday, arrived 15:20 for a 16:20 booking of six pallets, departed at 19:30. Four hours to tip six pallets is just appalling.
Is it just me,or is the Co-op the worst RDC to tip at at the moment. I have been to several(Barnsley,Bulwell,Wellington,Swanley,etc,etc) all with the same problems. They only seem to tip one wagon at a time,regardless of how many bays are occupied. Still, don’t care as I’m paid by the hour,so they can take as long as they like!


:frowning: the co op at drum lane/birtley-- 3hrs to tip 7 pallets, i dont think ive ever been in and out of there in less than an hr n a half, god forbid if there is a container under the canopy, forkies just stand around scratchin there heeds. terrible place terrible…just out of curiosity… has anyone done a cash n carry on maxwell road,glasgow, indian gent runs the place, if you have you will know what i mean.he he he :open_mouth:

Used to take a regular load to Kwiksave Ashton-in-Makerfield. 52 identical pallets, in and out in 1/2 hour on a regular basis. I now take this to Somerfield St Helens and the quickest they’ve managed is 2 1/2 hours but it’s usually 4 hours plus. Give muppets a shiny new warehouse and a load of computers and the job goes to pot.

I think I may have the record on this one.

During the mid 80’s I took a load just 15 miles from my depot in Duston, Northampton to Tesco at Crick with a 19.00 booking that evening, I sat there all night untill my day driver came and relieved me to sit there all day, the folowing night I went back to Crick to relieve him and finally got tipped at 4.30 am on the 3rd day.

And no wonder owner-drivers go bust if they have to sit around so many hours with 2 pallets for 10 quid a pallet!!!

Had that at Crick a few months back, 10am booking to tip 2 pallets, had a back load booked out of DIRFT for 1pm (Worth 250 quid!) I was still in Crick at 8pm and lost the back load. So, 20 quid for a days work, RDC’s never again…

I hear all sorts of bad things about Sainsburys RDCs since they went all automatic - like they dont work. Anyone had any experiences?

I done some agency work on Saturday in Newark, i want from Newark to Mansfield to Newark then to Worksop and back to Newark twice all of which was collections for a company delivering to a major British supermarket.

I done 240 kms and 4 hours driving in a 12 hour shift the rest of it was reading a paper and waiting time but at 12 quid an hour im not complaining .

I got down to Alfaz Del Pi last Thursday and had to wait an hour and a half for the buggers to come back from their siesta!!! disgraceful!!!

:laughing: :laughing:

Okay… call me an idiot… but I can gather what RCD’s are, they are supermarket chains, etc…

But what does RDC stand for■■? its doing my brain in… :blush:



:blush: ahhhhh…doh :blush:


OK Idiot (AndyM),

Now don’t, and I mean don’t call me an idiot (anything else will do!) but what does RCD stand for?

I always thought these places (supermarket or not) were Regional Distribution Centres!

Now it’s doing my head in…



JobberDun wrote:
Now don’t, and I mean don’t call me an idiot (anything else will do!) but what does RCD stand for?

Residual Current Device - the circuit breakers you (are supposed to) plug in when you use power tools.

Oh, that’s not what you mean? :slight_smile: :wink:

Okay okay, I got it wrong… :blush:


I had a load for the Gist/ BHS RDC at Barnsley, this week. This is one of those RDC’s where security tell you to back on a bay between 32 and 44 when one comes free, taking your turn. You then book-in at the office window and they send you to wait inside, beside your bay, till an operative comes to tip you, I discovered. Having expected to be sent back to my cab, I had a fresh cup of coffee waiting :cry: .
I had a booking for 0700 and arrived at the gate at 0655, perfect timing :slight_smile: . I got straight onto bay 44 because it was free and it was an easy reverse in the LHD wagon I was driving, it also left another bay free which would be easier in a RHD, for the wagon directly behind me :slight_smile: . After an hours wait :frowning: , an op’ came to tip me, on one of those electric pallet trucks which picks up two pallets at a time. After wriggling the first few pallets out I was told I would have too tip myself, with a hand operated pallet truck because by health n safety rules, he wasn’t allowed to go onto the back of my wagon. What was I driving? A standard curtainsider! and he’s not allowed to go onto the back of my wagon :confused: ? I have a question:- What is the point of having all the fancy equipment, if it can’t be used on at least half the wagons on the road?

Rdcs aren’t too bad to tip at, canteens are usually decent

I had a load for the Gist/ BHS RDC at Barnsley, this week. This is one of those RDC’s where security tell you to back on a bay between 32 and 44 when one comes free, taking your turn. You then book-in at the office window and they send you to wait inside, beside your bay, till an operative comes to tip you, I discovered. Having expected to be sent back to my cab, I had a fresh cup of coffee waiting :cry: .
I had a booking for 0700 and arrived at the gate at 0655, perfect timing :slight_smile: . I got straight onto bay 44 because it was free and it was an easy reverse in the LHD wagon I was driving, it also left another bay free which would be easier in a RHD, for the wagon directly behind me :slight_smile: . After an hours wait :frowning: , an op’ came to tip me, on one of those electric pallet trucks which picks up two pallets at a time. After wriggling the first few pallets out I was told I would have too tip myself, with a hand operated pallet truck because by health n safety rules, he wasn’t allowed to go onto the back of my wagon. What was I driving? A standard curtainsider! and he’s not allowed to go onto the back of my wagon :confused: ? I have a question:- What is the point of having all the fancy equipment, if it can’t be used on at least half the wagons on the road?

when i had a lapse of sanity and worked for tesco a few years ago i was told at the induction that as soon as your parked up waiting to tip then for all purposes your trailer becomes an extension of their loading bay and they have no right to use the cant go into a trailer excuse.
just typical lazy bone idle british work ethics for being awkward and unhelpful for the sake of it as by the same rules,you shouldnt be allowed onto their warehouse floor.

Blimey! 17 years since the last post on this thread …

I have seen a few people complaining about RDCs on here, cant see the problem, i sat in ASDA Normanton for three hours on friday afternoon and had a lovely time, went to ARGOS at Heywood and sat there for seven hours last week that was even better. if that is what is involved in tipping at RDCs i think i will ask to do them more often, if some one is gonna pay me £10.50 an hour to sit on my backside wether the truck is moving or not. i for one am not gonna complain. except if it is an aldi one, i have done them before and dont like tipping my self, but the way to get your own back on them is to line the pallets up skew wiff so there trucks cant pick up 4 or 5 up at a time :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

I would like to deliver to RDC but at moment only drive rigid so am getting rubbish work, think I may go back to vans, better pay.