Rare Ups

What have you rared up about recently? Yesterday I had a go on the phone after seeing the death trap car I was expected to drive back from MAN Swindon. This was an old runabout 306 belonging to my employer. Opened the door to 3 inches of water in the footwells, no road tax and a wheel nut missing on a back wheel.

Any others?

back to the flour mill soon then mate !!!

Sounds like they run some tidy kit then :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What have you rared up about recently? Yesterday I had a go on the phone after seeing the death trap car I was expected to drive back from MAN Swindon. This was an old runabout 306 belonging to my employer. Opened the door to 3 inches of water in the footwells, no road tax and a wheel nut missing on a back wheel.

Any others?

So how did you get back then and how did the car get to MAN in the first place ?

Oh and not had a rare up for a long long time.

I’m retired. Rare ups are a thing of the past.
Like early mornings.
And handball.
And stupid f** planners.

Mine was a post on here, some one being a bit rude towards me :unamused: :laughing:

And later on I will be ranting at horses at Haydock races…ah well beer will help, silver lining and all that. :wink:

Reared up at the bloke who blocked my driveway this morning. 6am he turned up making all sorts of noise.

Ambulance is a ■■■■■■■ stupid name for a haulage firm anyway.

Seriously though, not has a good lair up since Chievely

bald bloke:

What have you rared up about recently? Yesterday I had a go on the phone after seeing the death trap car I was expected to drive back from MAN Swindon. This was an old runabout 306 belonging to my employer. Opened the door to 3 inches of water in the footwells, no road tax and a wheel nut missing on a back wheel.

Any others?

So how did you get back then and how did the car get to MAN in the first place ?

Oh and not had a rare up for a long long time.

A driver picked me up in another “slightly better” motor…
Otherwise there’d be no 6 weekly on my motor this weekend.

back to the flour mill soon then mate !!!

Not that desperate mate! (Keeping my eye on a couple of places though)

There’s a job going within travelling distance of Witney, if you’re interested.

Taxi driving an old 306. :wink:

Retired Old ■■■■:
There’s a job going within travelling distance of Witney, if you’re interested.

Taxi driving an old 306. :wink:

Being scrapped apparently. …

Surely not? There’s fifteen more wheel nuts to get through yet!

Being told in 6 yrs I’ve never done the job right,who the zb does he think he is,arrogant ■■■■
Depot managers are two a penny,slippery slope when you upset the drivers,don’t burn you’re ■■■ on the way out :smiling_imp: