Random Collection of last couple of weeks!

Just a few pics of my last couple of weeks up and down the country, should make a diary one day but too lazy!!!

Seem to have been on the Wollwich ferry a lot lately!!!

Nice pair of Stobarts, at Asda Didcot i think, cant remember exactly!! The low rider looks the part still in my eyes!

Nice Countrywide Hogtrotter, would have loved to have got some propper pics of this but was in a hurry leaving our yard where he was tipping

American Volvo NH? Spoke to the guy who owns this a while ago, he had trouble getting the rear end brakes and suspension through UK regs, so he purchased a UK 6x4 chassis and just bolted on the whole lot, top idea!

Me harrasing cars… HANDBRAKE WAS ON, i aint driving!!!

Dads motor at Holyhead dock

top pictures gaz… :slight_smile:

Good pictures gaz. What have you got in the middle of your windscreen?

A 15 inch flat screen, face down and a sky box!

Just pop it up at night!

nice pcs cheers1

(i think the stobart low ride would look better if it was different colours…!)

countrywide had a volvo like that on bulk iirc, but sure it was different to that one

The reg no of the Hogtrotter Countrywide Volvo is CF05 HOG!

They’ve also got CF04 MOO and CF04 COW etc etc :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: