Radio 2 in the Afternoon

I think it’s Steve Wright…the dude on after Vine. It’s him, another dude and a woman. Anyone else wonderd why they all laugh at pretty much anything? “Hey, how are you?” “OMGOMGLOloLOlOOLOLOOLololollloL!!!”

Does my head in and I end up ■■■■■■■ off to Radio 1 or Classic FM if it so happens to not be all crackly

dunno, can’t answer that :blush:

i listen to talk sport all day :smiley:

Yeah thats Wrighty. Wassup? Someone havin a sense of humour too much for ya! :wink:

Wrighty was like that even when he was on Radio 1, so apart from him putting on serious weight he hasnt really changed

top radio show the other bloke is tim smith. cant remember womans name she used to be in a pop group i think

top radio show the other bloke is tim smith. cant remember womans name she used to be in a pop group i think

Janey Lee Grace. Used to be a backing singer with Wham!

BUT… is she also the Old Woman :question: :confused: :confused:

she’s janey lee grace
its a good show i think ilike radio 2 :sunglasses:

Pop a look at the radio 2 web site and clock the loverly Jamie Lee Grace Yes please!!

When Steve Wright was on Radio One ,Mr Angry from Purley was great laugh

little enis:
Pop a look at the radio 2 web site and clock the loverly Jamie Lee Grace Yes please!!

Janey you silly little enis


little enis:
Pop a look at the radio 2 web site and clock the loverly Jamie Lee Grace Yes please!!

Janey you silly little enis

We did hear about you folks from Narrfulk though

A young Norfolk farmer comes down to breakfast in tears. His Father asks him what is wrong, the son replies “well Father, last night me and Linda got to fooling around and I discovered she’s a virgin. So I had to dump her”
Father replies “too bloody right son, if she aint good enough for her own family she aint good enough for ours!”

‘…Wrighty…hasnt really changed…’

Don’t we flippin’ know it: Same dross intro music abusing the ‘BBC Radio sycophant side-kick’ format: Old Woman is a stunner next to him.

What the chuff is a ‘factoid’ cos it’s no longer amusing and those who tell him ‘…love the show…’ could try toothache for a soothing diversion to being read snippets from the daily newspaper as ‘entertainment’.

Smashey & Nicey move over…

Shame that BBC Six Music is digital only