R turner haulage photos

Has anyone got any photos of R turners truck

one i found on ebay

somewhere in the loft i have some from the late 90s, ill have a look for them

that would be good they had some nice scanias in the late 90s

that would be good they had some nice scanias in the late 90s

they own the company i used to work for when i first left school, got a couple of ride outs for the day when i was younger in them

i was with dad alot in the 90s in the 113s and f10s good to see some photos of them again

I became quite friendly with one of Rogers drivers in the early eighties, we both had a Series 1 F10 and were running together out of Felixstowe for a few months. I would love to see some pictures of those days of the men and motors

here are some taken recently


another view


here are some taken recently

that last ones not recent i hope! :laughing:

great photos, that black v8 has a bit of a dent in the roof doesnt it? do they still have any cattle floats?

Still got the Volvo fm i think on cattle float along with a new fh mainly all scanias now

A few oldies from facebook I found

