R/C Trucks


American Truck


That is sooooooooooooooo cool, I want that one and er that one and er that one and the roads and the buildings (and the fences that neils truck crashed into :laughing: )


I see the Volo’s got his fog lights on - typical :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This one looks good

bit big at 1:14 - I just bought a 1:87 beauty from Japan - fully proportional steering and speed, indicators, 4-ways, headlights AND full beam and only 8 inches long so you can play with it anywhere, madam

do a search on youtube for “keyence deskrunner 2000” just don’t tell the missus what the bugger cost me :wink:

thanks neil. im now nearly £500.00 lighter. black night £280.00 trailer £210. and they are kits so guess who has got the job of making it. with friends like you who needs enimies :cry: :cry: boys birthday in 5 weeks. great timing. ta pal.

You tight git, why didn’t you spend the extra £99.99 on the R/C driver. It is programmable with either various complaints and whinges or tales of just missing a certain ferry after driving through a burning tunnel and past an exploding truckstop. For an additional £19.99 you can get the module that will enabled the R/C driver to frisbee tacho charts out the window in a realistic manner. The final option is £49.99 and for that you get an R/C bird from that Routiers so your R/C driver can marry her.

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

You tight git, why didn’t you spend the extra £99.99 on the R/C driver. It is programmable with either various complaints and whinges or tales of just missing a certain ferry after driving through a burning tunnel and past an exploding truckstop. For an additional £19.99 you can get the module that will enabled the R/C driver to frisbee tacho charts out the window in a realistic manner. The final option is £49.99 and for that you get an R/C bird from that Routiers so your R/C driver can marry her.

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Is that 'Clive" the R/C driver :question:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

pmsl@neil :laughing: :laughing: not only do you owe montana man a key board now me aswell. could also have had the realistic stobart and norbert helicopter kit with it for extra 49.99 hahhahaa

this is mine, watch the dog.lol. uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-fJsZm3YRc0

Another one with fog lights on in broad daylight :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: lol…