Quit the game

Well I’m pleased to announce that - of my own accord - I have just added another number to the (alleged) driver shortage.

I’ve had enough of all the that comes with the transport industry in general and the grief you get from places you deliver to and from the transport office. Well enough is enough now. I’m not putting up with it anymore so that’s the end of the transport industry for me.

I’ve got enough money coming in from other sources to keep me comfortable for a good 6 months and that time will give me ample opportunity to see what else is about.


Good luck rob with what ever you choose to do next :smiley:

Good luck Rob.

Good luck, Rob.

Any idea what’s next?

Good luck, Rob.

Any idea what’s next?

Rob K:
I’ve got enough money coming in from other sources to keep me comfortable for a good 6 months and that time will give me ample opportunity to see what else is about.

Well done Rob, I hope it works out well for ya.

It took me 3 or 4 attempts, kept leaving the game & going back but i think I have cracked it this time - not been a regular driver since 96 :smiley:

Rob K:
ample opportunity to see what else is about.

I meant that bit

:astonished: Good luck Rob :slight_smile: :wink:

Good luck :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :slight_smile:


Rob K:
ample opportunity to see what else is about.

I meant that bit

I have a few money-making ideas to try out … :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Wanna buy a unit Rob? :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

enjoy ya time off !!

hope all goes well for ya

mrs c

all the best mukka


All the best Rob

Not going into full-time writing then?

We’ll miss the diaries


No, although some say I’d be good at it :confused: . Never really thought about. I’ve allus been good at English and writing/typing; sorry, read “always” :smiley: .

My final diary will be up shorty so you can read how all this has turned out to be the final nail in the coffin, so-to-speak.


It’s a sad state of affairs that the transport industry can’t keep the young whippersnappers happy.

Good luck in your search for enjoyable employment Rob.

It’s a sad state of affairs that the transport industry can’t keep the young whippersnappers happy.

:open_mouth: :question: :confused: :confused:

Good luck to you Rob, whatever you decide to do.

I’m currently at an enpasse as to wether or not to do the same thing although not for the same reasons, our customers are superb no grief, free coffee and use of showers etc.

I am, however, now rather bored of Belgie and Netherlands and find it as challanging as driving home at the end of the week :frowning: so am hankering for something different, but not UK work as i tried it and couldn’t put up with all the hassle that goes with it. :frowning:

Unfortunatley lack of artic experience is hindering me abit as is the lack of companys going much further.

A couple of guys at work have suggested giving John Mann a ring, so i may do that and see if anything comes of it, if anyone has any info on the above please let me know, cheers :smiley:


Hey ho though theres always Linux system that needs a good engineer :frowning: :frowning:

Good luck rob hope it goes well, let us know how you go on or to put it another way don’t be a stranger. Have enjoyed reading the diaries and will look forward to the final instalment. Like i said good luck always admire some one who has a go.

Rob K:
I’ve got enough money coming in from other sources to keep me comfortable for a good 6 months and that time will give me ample opportunity to see what else is about.:slight_smile:

Good luck with the drug dealing and vice ring Rob,im sure you’ll make more money :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Only joking (I think)Good luck to ya,whatever your doing :wink: