Quickest route

I am tipping just south of Stuttgart next week,can anybody tell me what is the quickest way to go,thanks.

As usual with thie type of question ask six drivers and get six different answers, none of them wrong or right just that everyone has their favourite way.

I go to the Stuttgart area a lot and if heading straight there from Calais I go:

Calais - Brussels - Luxembourg. Then I used to go via Trier but they now have a new route that takes you on a new motorway that bypasses Remich so I use that now, I think it is signed for Saarbrucken if I remember correctly.

This puts you on the A8 when you cross the border into Germany and I follow this until Pirmasens where you continue on the B10 until picking up the A65 at Landau Nord exit in the direction of Karlsruhe.

At Karlsruhe onto the A5 at Karlsruhe-Mitte, don’t take the first signs you see for the A5 as that will put you on it south of where you want to be, for a few hundred metres and the onto the A8 to Stuttgart at Autobahndreieck Karlrsruhe. If you are tipping south of Stuttgart you may then want the A81 from the A8 at Autobahnkreuz Stuttgart.

From Calais to Stuttgart going this way is around 9.5 hours driving.

Instead of going via Brussels some go via Lille - Mons - Charlroi and pick up the motorway to Luxemboug near Namur. It is as near the same distance and time as to make no difference but I prefer the Brussels route and as I usually go out on a Sunday I can’t go via Lille anyway due to the French Sunday restrictions.

I have been to Stuttgart many times but I can`t even remember where it is.

In, then down a bit? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Have a look at www.maporama.com which is a free online route-finder.


whatever route you use, don’t foret to fill up in Lux, cheepest derv around :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: not so good for ■■■■ now though :frowning: