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Western Star 4864.

Western Star 4964 or 6964 if no round town clown work is involved.

Size and space, you can never have too much cab space and the more real estate in front of the windscreen, the more comfortable the ride.

59 plate Scania R420 8x2 with crane and beavertail

Volvo FMX 500 8w as above.

The Scania I have now is an excellent tool and does the job well enough and I wouldn’t be too sad to have an updated version R500 perhaps with the XT kit on it, however given the choice I’d opt for the Volvo as you can specify an electronic diff on the tag axle giving you an 8x4 whn fully loaded. That would make quite a difference on site work.

Scania R500

Daf SSC 530

More living space, comfier ride, Better driving position

  1. Volvo.

  2. No preference, it’s a work tool. As long as it’s road legal I don’t really care.

  3. Not applicable in my case.

volvo part time 2/ daf 3/ when I was o/d It put most money into my bank than the other 8 Iowned

Actors, fleet spec


Actros is uncomfortable, takes forever to set off, and is just not good to drive :frowning:

Only 26 people want a chance at a £50 Amazon voucher… cant even give free stuff away these days :slight_smile:

Volvo FH 750, The same or Scania.Because the build quality is good and the service.All trucks break down,the important thing is how Quick you get going again.


Scania 750V8

It’s a v8 :slight_smile:


  1. Merc Actros 450

  2. Volvo

  3. Only driven one Volvo and that was kitted out with full leather, extra lockers, DAB etc etc. It was easy to keep the inside clean and tidy and the gear box was smooth as anything.

1, Volvo FH 500
2, Volvo FH 500 or more Horses
3, Used to drive a Scania G4… (can’t remember) Volvo much nicer to drive & live in. Scania had a lower tare but a second bunk to store stuff

1: mercedes actors
2: anything with a manual gearbox
3: I absolutely hate auto boxes. Give me a manual any day.

1 Mack CH E7 engine ,12sp mackbox mack rear end 2 Mack CH glider . E7 12sp mack box ,mack rear end. 3…Reliable engine/transmition rear end, not a lot o electronics…fuel economy not up to 2019 standards but not far off. I find the controls /switches within easy reach and with a good seat a comfy workplace.

  1. Volvo fh500
  2. Volvo fh500
  3. It’s just good and capable at everything it does compared to other marques i have driven (Daf, Iveco, Scania, MAN)
  1. Actros MP3 465 drawbar

  2. Scania drawbar

  3. All the Scanias I’ve had have never let me down and had no traction problems off road.


Would Prefer…D.A.F.

Mainly because the Daf is a truck i have driven to the middle east, i trust them, i love the interior of a daf…but, the m.a.n. is also a nice truck to drive, the bed is comfortable, but the rest is plastic that easily breaks or falls apart…my only bug is the gearbox is a bit slow in changing, and the very large steering wheel.

Please send my voucher a.s.a.p. as my six pack has turned into a 24 pack and i am outgrowing my attire…ha ha .

Scania P cab 400 + Merc Actros

Daf super space cab

Always liked Dafs (manual box) find them nice to spend all day in. Fleet speck Actros? no thanks.

Volvo V4.

Daf xf480.
The XF I had
Because it went like stink, was sooo comfortable, loads of space, didn’t feel tired after a 15hr day.

  1. Current gen Scania R450

  2. Current gen Scania S730

  3. More space, more power, flat floor, \8/ badge

  1. 460 Volvo FH

  2. Scania next gen r-line 600/730

  3. A lot of people have been saying the V8 Scanias, I think that says a lot for them. I’m very impressed with the volvos, best truck I have ever had but I think the dream is to have the Scania v8, never heard anything bad about them and the next gens look so good! Oh, and i’d be a tang.

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