Quick question..

Hi guys,

I know i’m new here so firstly want to say hi, spent a little while looking round before joining and kinda like the place.

What brought me here is a cheeky quest for help, im setting up a website as a project that invovles trucks/lorries/vans and I looked around the internet but I can’t find anywhere with any info that drivers mention stolen vehicles.

Lorries aren’t small, fair enough and if hardly any are stolen then cool, that’s very good news but vans are, is there a palce you guys would post such info?

I’m not asking because I want to be involved, the website is setup to aim at reducing vehicle theft, wherever possible. (I’m aiming at cars, bikes, JCB’s… the lot) so any help’d be greatly appreciated.

I’m not upto anything dodgy, il happily explain me plan if it helps… if in doubt, gis a shout :slight_smile:



there’s truckpol.com/

Thanks for the info…

I did email a guy over at IAATI but kindly got emailed back that the concept would never work what I aimed for…

In reality, when a vehicle is stolen you go to the Police, who give you a crime number and you hope for a while you’ll get an update… sometimes you might.
But most the time nothing happens and a car/bike/van/digger is gone for good.

I decided a website where you could advertise a motor as nicked might work, list special parts and put up a pic or 2 and if anyone see’s it then goes online they could contact the owner and help get it back.

The problem I’m facing, is nobody knows about it. If nobody knows about it then it wont get used and it’s pointless. It’s a free service and available to be used any hour, of any day, with 1 aim; to prevent and reduce vehcile crime. There’s millions of vehicle owners natoinwide, thousands of cars alone reported stolen weekly, if not daily and this concept just doesn’t work. How?
(it is 5am, i’m tired and had no joy tweaking certain parts of said site so apologies for the mini rant)