Quick question ref Break & Weekly Rest

One for Tachograph :slight_smile: - been doing this HGV work for nearly 2 years now and always taken breaks of 45min but doing my new job I thought that I try to and understand the rules alot more better regarding splitting rest breaks and weekly rests.

Right I got the VOSA disk this morning on the magazine and it mentioned that I can take a 45min break split into 3 periods of no less than 15 min. I thought (via training of one firm) that the first break must be no less than 15 min then the remaining break must be no less than 30min - who is right? In a ideal enviroment I could do with the 3 split as I am waiting around on deliveries to stores at the back gate for 20min in some cases. Also mentioned that breaks could be split into 20min and 25min??

On Weekly rest - I understand that I can reduce my weekly rest to 24 hours and the remaining 21 hours added onto another block of 45 hours before the end of 3rd week. So if I add the 21 hours onto the next weekly rest period after the 45hour weekly rest then this clock would be rest - right ? (ie 2nd weekend after ie, finishing on friday afternoon and restarting work on Monday)

One for Tachograph :slight_smile:

I’ll beat him to it. :slight_smile:

Right I got the VOSA disk this morning on the magazine and it mentioned that I can take a 45min break split into 3 periods of no less than 15 min.

Not for EC rules it doesn’t. :wink:

I thought (via training of one firm) that the first break must be no less than 15 min then the remaining break must be no less than 30min - who is right?

That is correct. :slight_smile:

In a ideal enviroment I could do with the 3 split as I am waiting around on deliveries to stores at the back gate for 20min in some cases. Also mentioned that breaks could be split into 20min and 25min??

Again, not for EC rules, that is AETR rules. You need to watch the section on EC rules rather than the one on AETR rules.

On Weekly rest - I understand that I can reduce my weekly rest to 24 hours and the remaining 21 hours added onto another block of 45 hours before the end of 3rd week

By the end of the 4th week, it’s the third week following the reduction

So if I add the 21 hours onto the next weekly rest period after the 45hour weekly rest then this clock would be rest - right ? (ie 2nd weekend after ie, finishing on friday afternoon and restarting work on Monday)


Coffeeholics answered it for you in his usual professional way, i had alook at that free cd and was supprised to see the 3 x 15 minute break :open_mouth: clic on this link its up to date.

vosa.gov.uk/vosacorp/reposit … 0Hours.pdf

Klunk, the DVD is bang up to date.

Just to clarify. The DVD does indeed mention splitting the break into 3 parts, or even 2 parts which aren’t the 15 minute, 30 minute thing we have to follow, but that is in the section where they are talking about AETR rules. These rules are different to the EC Rules most of us follow. They are in fact pretty much as the EC rules were prior to the changes in April 2007. The AETR rules are likely to change to match the EC rules at sometime.

Please make sure you are watching the correct section otherwise you could end up in bother. The AETR rules differ from the EC rules on breaks, split daily rest, ferry/train movements, weekly rest and double manning. Following them when you should be following the EC rules could end up costing you money and your licence.

thats what I though klunk/â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  - when I saw the 3x 15min I thought I better ask :slight_smile:

So, without having to resit and relisten to the whole dvd again (which I might have to in the coming weeks) - when twould uk rules come into use other than EU rules?

Thanks Coffee for replying - looks like I am going to have to get some paper out and start writing and working things out to stay within the rules :slight_smile:

So, without having to resit and relisten to the whole dvd again (which I might have to in the coming weeks) - when these uk rules come into use?

There are no UK rules coming into use, you work to the EC rules and will continue to do so. The AETR rules don’t, and won’t apply to the UK. Just watch the first section on the EC rules again and don’t watch the bit on AETR or Domestic rules or you’ll just get confused. :wink: :smiley:

spott on, thanks Coffee :sunglasses:


So, without having to resit and relisten to the whole dvd again (which I might have to in the coming weeks) - when these uk rules come into use?

There are no UK rules coming into use, you work to the EC rules and will continue to do so. The AETR rules don’t, and won’t apply to the UK. Just watch the first section on the EC rules again and don’t watch the bit on AETR or Domestic rules or you’ll just get confused. :wink: :smiley:

According to our cheif clown AETR rules have merged with E.U.
I nearly got a written warning because he gave us all a memo with AETR rules on and when I threw it in the bin and after telling him it’s no use to us because we are on E.U. rules he said that the 2 sets have merged.

He also said that you can’t have 24hrs off at base as weekly rest. The thing that persuaded him to announce that a written warning will be given was when he was reading the latest book from VOSA and showed me that 24 could not be classed as WRP but the Richard Kranium was looking at UK rules, he was not impressed when I told him to look at the correct page.

Ben9 said;

According to our cheif clown AETR rules have merged with E.U.

Trust me they haven’t. They may well get around to it by 2010, in the meantime unless you are travelling to or through Turkey or a country ending in ‘Stan’ you are pretty much certain to be on EU rules and not AETR.
Domestic rules apply only to vehicles that are exempt EU rules.

Ben9 also said;

He also said that you can’t have 24hrs off at base as weekly rest. The thing that persuaded him to announce that a written warning will be given was when he was reading the latest book from VOSA and showed me that 24 could not be classed as WRP but the Richard Kranium was looking at UK rules

Think your Chief Clown needs new reading specs. There is nothing wrong in having 24 hours at base in EU rules. Under AETR the 24 hours can only be away from base. Under Domestic there is no requirement to take a weekly rest period (of any length) for HGV drivers, PSV is different.