Quick hours one

Had a 45hr break last weekend and got a 72 rest this weekend. Can I do three 15’s this week?


Had a 45hr break last weekend and got a 72 rest this weekend. Can I do three 15’s this week?


You can do 3 reduced daily rests between any two weekly rests be they reduced or regular

Yup but does that leave me without next week?

Yup but does that leave me without next week?


Yup but does that leave me without next week?

What you understanding of the regs on reduced daily rest period, for that what a 15 hour shift means.

This must be a joke that is the basics FFS.

I think your getting confused with the fixed week and when you take weekly rests

Yup but does that leave me without next week?

Jesus effin Christ. You’ve been on this site for coming up to 3 and a half years and you don’t even know the basics?

Yup but does that leave me without next week?

EH !! ■■

Between any two periods of at least 24 hours off you can have 3 reduced daily rests - does not matter when the 24 hours are taken off

You could do -
45 off
reduced daily rest (RDR)
24 off
24 off
45 off

As has been said you can have 3 reduced daily rest periods (15 hour shifts) between weekly rest periods, once you’ve completed a weekly rest period you can have another 3 reduced daily rest periods before the next weekly rest period.

The fixed week is irrelevant as far as reduced daily rest periods are concerned.

I’m assuming you don’t have split daily rest periods.

CPC working then…

If you get three hours continued uninterupted break in one of your shifts you could do four 15’s lol :wink:


Yup but does that leave me without next week?

Jesus effin Christ. You’ve been on this site for coming up to 3 and a half years and you don’t even know the basics?

i dont get why people put this ■■■■ up ?!

if people have a question let them ask it and then they will know. i recon you would find out more asking question on trucknet that in that waste of time cpc.

fair play to rog and the like who give there time to answering questions :smiley:



Yup but does that leave me without next week?

Jesus effin Christ. You’ve been on this site for coming up to 3 and a half years and you don’t even know the basics?

i dont get why people put this [zb] up ?!

if people have a question let them ask it and then they will know. i recon you would find out more asking question on trucknet that in that waste of time cpc.

fair play to rog and the like who give there time to answering questions :smiley:

Don’t worry Conor knows best, but he’s not always right :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Can someone confirm this scenario myself and a colleague had a debate yesterday.
Mon 15h work 12 rest
Tues 11work 11rest
Wed 15 work 10 rest
Thurs 15 work 10 rest
Fri 10 work then weekly rest begins.

Is this 5 or 3 reductions. One of us said its only 3 because the short rests followed 15h days and that only counted as 1. The other said they were all independant of each other and the 3 allowed weekly reductions was complete once Thursday’s shift started.
I won’t say which one of us said which for fear of ridicule for not knowing the simple rules :smiley:

Can someone confirm this scenario myself and a colleague had a debate yesterday.
Mon 15h work 12 rest
Tues 11work 11rest
Wed 15 work 10 rest
Thurs 15 work 10 rest
Fri 10 work then weekly rest begins.

Is this 5 or 3 reductions. One of us said its only 3 because the short rests followed 15h days and that only counted as 1. The other said they were all independant of each other and the 3 allowed weekly reductions was complete once Thursday’s shift started.
I won’t say which one of us said which for fear of ridicule for not knowing the simple rules :smiley:


Can someone confirm this scenario myself and a colleague had a debate yesterday.
Mon 15h work 12 rest
Tues 11work 11rest
Wed 15 work 10 rest
Thurs 15 work 10 rest
Fri 10 work then weekly rest begins.

Is this 5 or 3 reductions. One of us said its only 3 because the short rests followed 15h days and that only counted as 1. The other said they were all independant of each other and the 3 allowed weekly reductions was complete once Thursday’s shift started.
I won’t say which one of us said which for fear of ridicule for not knowing the simple rules :smiley:

That’s 3 reduced daily rest periods, if you do a 15 hour shift it’s a reduced daily rest period because only the rest that falls within the period of 24 hours from the start of the shift counts towards the daily rest period.

For instance Monday you worked 15 hours then had 12 hours rest, only 9 of those hours can fit into the 24 hour period so only 9 hours count towards the daily rest period.



Yup but does that leave me without next week?

Jesus effin Christ. You’ve been on this site for coming up to 3 and a half years and you don’t even know the basics?

i dont get why people put this [zb] up ?!

if people have a question let them ask it and then they will know. i recon you would find out more asking question on trucknet that in that waste of time cpc.

fair play to rog and the like who give there time to answering questions :smiley:

Conor has shown himself up on numerous threads be it ADR regs to driving in windy conditions.
@Conor im getting bored of you putting members down for asking questions be it tacho regs or what type of stack up shoe to wear on agency.

Tacho regs are open to missenterpretation. What can seem obvious to some is not obvious to others. The only constant is that unless your job involves working to the limit of the regs (like trampers) then questions will be raised.

Any newbie viewing this should not be put off by some self appounted king of the limpers who thinks they know it all but in reality on numerous occasions has been proven an idiot.

Apologies to Conor and the admin for the personal attack but im getting sick and tired of decent Tacho reg questions being asked and some muppet (thats you Conor) coming along to have a dig for the sake of virtual point scoring.

Knowing the regs in theory is miles away from knowing them in practice. The only stupid question is the one not asked.

That said if I drive for 10 hours on Tuesday and Thursday in a fixed week can I still get ■■■■■■ on Shaturday.

Thanks to above replys

Can someone confirm this scenario myself and a colleague had a debate yesterday.
Mon 15h work 12 rest [reduced rest so count as 9]
Tues 11work 11rest [Normal rest of at least 11]
Wed 15 work 10 rest [Reduced rest treat as 9]
Thurs 15 work 10 rest [Reduced rest treat as 9]
Fri 10 work then weekly rest begins. [Normal rest]

Is this 5 or 3 reductions. One of us said its only 3 because the short rests followed 15h days and that only counted as 1. The other said they were all independant of each other and the 3 allowed weekly reductions was complete once Thursday’s shift started.
I won’t say which one of us said which for fear of ridicule for not knowing the simple rules :smiley:

Ive rushed this so may need confirmation from our better knowledged members but appears to be only 3 reduced rests which is fine between 2 weekley rest periods without complicating things further.

Treat your work days as 24 hour blocks governed by rest periods within those 24 hours blocks.
Confused yet, :slight_smile: well join the club but a good start is not to think of work days as well ehhhnh work days but rather 24 hour blocks in which yoh need at least 9 hours off 3 times a week and 11 for the other 2.

Course a split rest of 3 hours can be taken to save a 15 as long as 9 hours is taken at the end of the block and must fall within the 24hour block from the start of your shift.

Omg ive confused myself now… Rog / Tachograph please help.