Questions about UK trucking?

My Boss wants me to find out why it is that in the UK the nature of the transport market is that it is compiled of several small firms where as in Poland it is a few larger ones. Does anyone have any ideas?

Also he seems convinced that British transport firms sub contract to European firms much more than the other way around and I was wondering whether anyone knew any reasons why there are more European than English trucks exporting from England? I suggested it was just because we import more than we export so there are more foreign drivers here buthe doesnt seem convinced, any ideas?

Thanks for the input

Sniff… Sniff!!!

Smells like a reporter to me!!!

Wonder why he/she doesn’t put that in their profile.

Looks like the questions would be better asked of bosses after all what the heck do drivers know about the transport industry !!! :unamused:

I would think its a collection of different critiria including diesel price’ drivers wages road tax and the fact that British Industries dont want to pay a realistic price for work done.If you look that little bit harder you will see that most of the European trucks now tend to be from the old Eastern block with drivers on a quarter of the wages we earn. Even Dutch & German firms have eastern europeans working for them. you dont even see that many Frenchmen these days. I know alot of firms from my area {North East] have packed in with European work. Well thats my little contribution & rant :imp: Kenny :exclamation:

where as in Poland it is a few larger ones.

Does Poland have any transport companies left?, if so do they have a driver shoertage as they all seem to be over here.

English trucks exporting from England?

You mean we export from England?, wouldnt that mean manufacturing something to export?.I thought the ?English lorries just wnet over the water to get diesel and then come back again.

Willy Gofar:
Sniff… Sniff!!!

Smells like a reporter to me!!!

Wonder why he/she doesn’t put that in their profile.

Looks like the questions would be better asked of bosses after all what the heck do drivers know about the transport industry !!! :unamused:

politician :exclamation:

same thoughts here will could lease fill out your profile

Actually I am a student doing a marketting internship in Poland.

Cheers to Kenny for the help


Look at the historical antecents. Aside from a brief period of nationalisation and the recent rise of pan-European ‘logistics’ firms UK trucking was very much based on small family firms, many of them starting back in the horse and cart days. In the past in the UK (and still in southern Europe) small scale entrepreneurship underpinned road transport.

I don’t about pre-WW2 Poland but subsequently most transport was run by the state (i.e. Pekas before liberalsiation). This was primarily a government run supply side economy similar to Russia and East Germany, hence a smaller number of larger enterprises.

With regard to long distance continental haulage work, as an island overseas road transport didn’t really kick off in the UK until the 1960s. Poland has always been surrounded by the land borders of countries with which it traded.

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