Questions about driving in America?

I see a nice selection there, more to do with your proximity to that other country than the one you’re in though :laughing:

Go into a Walmart in the midwest and tins of corn are all you’ll find, there may be a few old leaves in the salad section, but I never venture into that aisle, they don’t call me a salad dodger for nothing you know :laughing:

I spotted the jar of Marmite on the counter, at least I can still get that, I love Marmite mmm mmmmm :wink:

How about this then… Been told people here in Edmonton would pay to eat food this good looking :slight_smile: tastes pretty good too… And yes I cooked it … Had a craving for a good fry-up , only thing missing is black pud. not managed to find that over here yet.

Oh and theres a good Chippy in Edmonton. Called Brits Fish & Chips. Their website is


Are you kidding me? North American food is appalling, even your meat is crap, cows are meant to eat grass not genetically modified corn feed that requires the meat to be bleached in chlorine or ammonia before it’s fit to be sold :open_mouth: and don’t get me started on veggies, it’s corn corn corn or nothing :open_mouth: anything that requires the use of both a knife and a fork is not on the menu as nobody has the motor skills to use both implements at the same time :unamused:

The meals I posted are examples of British fast food, I would wager that every single one of them has far more nutritional value than a North American burger and fries, even the Saveloys and they’re made of lips, ears and [zb] :laughing: A proper British evening meal, in my house at least, will have 2 or 3 vegetables alongside the meat and potatoes, maybe that’s why the British have less problems with diet related illness than North Americans, who let’s be honest, value quantity over quality anyday :unamused:

Just to dispel the myth that no one in the US eats veg…Marc :wink:

Is this from the latest Ann Summers collection??

How about this then… Been told people here in Edmonton would pay to eat food this good looking :slight_smile: tastes pretty good too… And yes I cooked it … Had a craving for a good fry-up , only thing missing is black pud. not managed to find that over here yet.

Oh and theres a good Chippy in Edmonton. Called Brits Fish & Chips. Their website is

Supplies are bought from here :laughing: :laughing:

How about this then… Been told people here in Edmonton would pay to eat food this good looking :slight_smile: tastes pretty good too… And yes I cooked it … Had a craving for a good fry-up , only thing missing is black pud. not managed to find that over here yet.

Oh and theres a good Chippy in Edmonton. Called Brits Fish & Chips. Their website is

Did you used to be the head chef at Londonderry cafe BigJon?

How about this then… Been told people here in Edmonton would pay to eat food this good looking :slight_smile: tastes pretty good too… And yes I cooked it … Had a craving for a good fry-up , only thing missing is black pud. not managed to find that over here yet.

Oh and theres a good Chippy in Edmonton. Called Brits Fish & Chips. Their website is

If you ever get to Manitoba there is an English butcher just outside Brandon that does good black pudding among other good meats, pies, pasty’s etc. he also sells to a store in Winnipeg.

If you ever get to Manitoba there is an English butcher just outside Brandon that does good black pudding among other good meats, pies, pasty’s etc. he also sells to a store in Winnipeg.

Not sure which store you would be referring to in the peg Steve but if it was The Brit Cafe on Portage then that is no longer with us :neutral_face:

all of that was bought at the local walmart :smiley: no need to buy expensive imported stuff.
As far as I know, ive never worked in a cafe. I only started to find out what a kitchen was for in the last 2 years after having no wife here yet to do that sort of stuff for me … :slight_smile: thank god she comes over here in june for good :slight_smile:

could ya tell me where about at brandon the butcher is …we need our scotch pies !!! jimmy

could ya tell me where about at brandon the butcher is …we need our scotch pies !!! jimmy

Yeah Jimmy no problem, just a bit north west of Brandon, hwy 1 west of brandon for ermmm 3 mile or so to the first paved road going north, think it;s hwy 270 and sign posted Rivers, 3 miles up there on the right,
small farm with a sign saying Henry’s meats, on the left there is a camper trailer sales place!!
Henry is the guy who does all the butchering and comes from Northumberlad so only a bit south of you, his wife works in the shop, think they are closed sunday and monday, got the phone number at work and will get it to you, does some good scotch pies too! and very good pork pies, make sure you get some ■■■■■■■■■■ sausage they are just the best, i normally make a detour when i’m in Brandon for parts during the week, they normally have hot pies fresh from the oven, two steak and kidneys to go beats A & W.
most of it is frozen so if you go when it’s warmer make it your last call, he also does some good lamb from local farmers but please leave the lambs kidneys for me! love em with the sunday fry up!


If you ever get to Manitoba there is an English butcher just outside Brandon that does good black pudding among other good meats, pies, pasty’s etc. he also sells to a store in Winnipeg.

Not sure which store you would be referring to in the peg Steve but if it was The Brit Cafe on Portage then that is no longer with us :neutral_face:

Yeah that’s the one Dave, used to get in their a bit but then the prices went a bit high, so they have gone all together?? at least i know their meat supplier!!

all of that was bought at the local walmart :smiley: no need to buy expensive imported stuff.
As far as I know, ive never worked in a cafe. I only started to find out what a kitchen was for in the last 2 years after having no wife here yet to do that sort of stuff for me … :slight_smile: thank god she comes over here in june for good :slight_smile:

Waddaya mean you haven’t worked in a cafe as far as you know? Surely you wouldn’t forget that sort of thing, would you?
I’ve worked in a 4 star hotel kitchen, not cooking though, fixing the clocking in machine.
Having seen the kitchen, I wouldn’t eat there…

Your mom worked in the cafe at Silver Blades ice rink in Birmingham when I first knew her.

Big Jon’s dad:

all of that was bought at the local walmart :smiley: no need to buy expensive imported stuff.
As far as I know, ive never worked in a cafe. I only started to find out what a kitchen was for in the last 2 years after having no wife here yet to do that sort of stuff for me … :slight_smile: thank god she comes over here in june for good :slight_smile:

Waddaya mean you haven’t worked in a cafe as far as you know? Surely you wouldn’t forget that sort of thing, would you?
I’ve worked in a 4 star hotel kitchen, not cooking though, fixing the clocking in machine.
Having seen the kitchen, I wouldn’t eat there…

Your mom worked in the cafe at Silver Blades ice rink in Birmingham when I first knew her.

Yeah you tell him dad!!

Here’s a bit of a tip for any of you who ever get to Massachusettes :exclamation:
I found that the best fish and chips on sale in the USA (apart from the Brooklyn place) is at any Piccadilly Pubs that seem to be only in that state, I visited the one in Auburn MA on Rte 20 near Worcester one night and was amazed at the haddock and chips with malt vinegar etc.

Pat Hasler:
Here’s a bit of a tip for any of you who ever get to Massachusettes :exclamation:
I found that the best fish and chips on sale in the USA (apart from the Brooklyn place) is at any Piccadilly Pubs that seem to be only in that state, I visited the one in Auburn MA on Rte 20 near Worcester one night and was amazed at the haddock and chips with malt vinegar etc.

Haddock, the Icelantic cod we have down here is top notch. I would of thought Cod to have been the fish of choice on the east coast!
There has been a few British chippys shown on the food channel, up in New York and Mass.
We used to have a bunch of good pubs with good food here in central Florida, but with villas and holiday homes replacing hotels, and the recession they are closing down.