
So i was wondering with holidays, can the company tell you when you take them? or is it up to you, as my company baseically tell us if its ok to have them dates off, only reason i ask is that there are 2 drivers off over the xmas period and i also want it off as i havent spent xmas with folks for 5years due to being in the army etc, so would be nice to get down to south of france to see them, also my boss wants to stop anyone having holidays off over august?? this i would of thought is a no no as kids are on holidays etc?

Any feed back would be very appricated.

If there is not a full close down by a company at set periods of the year then holidays may be done a number of ways and it is up to each company as to how it’s done - this is usually discussed at interview.
Some possibilities -
First to put in for a certain period
Set holiday rota system

being a small company owner, i have rules as to when my drivers can and cannot have holidays.

out of their holiday entitlement, they have to save enough days to cover the christmas period when there is no work, also i do not allow more than 1 person off at any given time, so, if say, driver 1 wants the first week in August off and books it, drivers 2,3 or 4 cannot have the same week.

i allow the holidays on a first come first served basis, if they know in advance of any dates, book them asap to try to ensure that they get them.

the firm i work for dont allow holidays between the middle of august and the end of september due to it being the busy time for us apart from that we can please ourselves when we take our holidays aslong as it 1 at a time :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Have a look on here . . . . . . Holiday entitlement: Entitlement - GOV.UK

There are a few surprises, and more than one myth busted :open_mouth:

There are a few surprises, and more than one myth busted :open_mouth:

…only if you’re stupid enough not to know what you’re entitled to.

holidays can be forced on you
vis a vis car plant shutdowns may require most employees to be off except maintennace
Argos wouldnt allow hols during December cos its the busiest time of year
firms that do seasonal work sugar beet etc would want all hands on deck

another thing they would take into account would be length of sercice