Question about tacho


My question : if u r driving lgv and when u get stack in traffic for about 3 hours or more,plenty of stop and go stop and go,the tacho interprets like other works or breaks and i dont really know how to interpret this? In reality u r diving but the tacho interprets like other works or breaks, how u can calculate driving and breaks? :question: :question: :question:
thanks in advance

Digi or analogue ?

Digi or analogue ?



Digi or analogue ?


From the little I know about digi I think the driver can access the driving time from the display

Analogue - the only way would be to remove card and use a magnifier to get a rough estimate of driving time

Stopwatch or similar is the only other way

I kind off get what your asking, everytime the wheels are turning it will record your driving time every time the wheels aren’t it will default to either “other work” or “rest”. Now if for example you start at 7am you know you need to have atleast a 15 minute break before 1pm for the WTD, and you must have your 45min by the end off your 4.5 hours. If your stuck in traffic and your stop start driving results in 15 minute off breaks made up from 1minute stops then it is irrelevant as you must have a minimum 15min followed by a 30min or one 45min before 4.5 hours driving. So I wouldn’t worry about stop start traffic or waiting to be tipped and your showing other work or rest it’s the driving time you need to keep an eye on. Hope this helps.

Edit If you use analogue too it is alot harder to keep track I would recommend a stopwatch or maybe a smart phone app if you know your driving will be broken up regularly during any 4.5 hour drive.