Question about min wage

A mate of mine is paid by the day and has worked out that if they do more than a 13 hr day they are on less than minimum wage.Is this legal ■■?

i would say yes but then again if he worked a 7 hour shift and got paid the same he would be earning a lot more than min wage.
i think with this type of thing you would have to take a closer look at the wording in the terms of employment… contract thingy

you see a lot of jobs advertised around here for tipper drivers. £100 per shift.
fine if its 10 hours every day. not so fine its its 3 X 15,s and 3x13,s. :frowning:

I dont know about the legal aspect. But I do occasional work for a company who pays by the day. I look upon it as swings and roundabouts. By that I mean some days I only work for 6 hours or so ,yet some days are 12/13 hours. The company is only small but work is good and plentiful etc, so it suits me and they are also good payers.

If the average rate is above the minimum wage then it’s legal ie if you’re paid monthly, divide the pay by the hours worked in that month.

A mate of mine is paid by the day and has worked out that if they do more than a 13 hr day they are on less than minimum wage.Is this legal ■■?

No its not legal. Of course he could stop when his pay runs out and ring in and say i want more money or i’ll report you for making me work for less than minimum pay rate?

Tell him to call the Minimum Wage Helpline on 0845 6000 678 and ask them. Then he’ll have a definitive answer.

It’s completely confidential, and he doesn’t have to give his name, or the name of his employer.

Apperantly it is legal. or at least was.

I was in the job centre just after they bought the minimum wage out and asked if this was ok he said yes.

At the end of the day your mate would be moaning if he did 6 hrs work and they cut his day rate.

ok thanks for the info he gonna call and find out for definite :unamused:

I dont wish to be rude but if you are driving a lorry and are anywhere near the minimum wage then it is time to find another job!

totally agree Bristolron

i think what most say is correct
this sun i did 6 hrs work - paid 11 at 8.18 p.h
so i got 14.99 p.h

last sun i did 13 .5 hrs - paid 11 at 8.18
so got paid 6.65 p.h

its swings and r/abouts , did well today , but not so good last sunday

Remind us who you work for Ady so I can steer clear of em!!

£8.18 for a sunday. Did you miss a 1 off at the beginning?