Quantitative easing

Mods please leave for a day or two

Please sign and pass on in any way you can
Cash for the workers will kickstart industry and still find its way into the bank

Many thanks

Signed and facebooked.

When this was done in Austrailia they had to spend the money on things like new tv’s or things in the economy,over here we would try to put it towards an holiday abroad to get away from this depressing place for a bit and spend it all over there :unamused:

Personally I would be in favour of a voucher system so it would have to be spent here. Thereby kick starting industry and retail while introducing a feel good element.

Hahahah you deluded fools. :unamused: You really think HMG will give money to the masses instead of their banking chums? :unamused:
It has been proven that QE does not work yet they STILL keep pumping billions into the banking system. This money is supposed to trickle down and given to small buisnesses in the form of a loan.
But this aint happening the banks are keeping the money to ensure they stay alive and thus keeping the gravey train running!


The £50bn isn’t MONEY - it’s a CREDIT line for banks, being the authorised peddlers of credit that they are.

They are not interested in issuing cheap credit in the form of mortgages near the base rate, but they ARE interested in pushing credit cards and personal loans onto people. This is despite the fact of ever-higher default rates with unsecured credit. Perhaps that might give the public some idea of just how lucrative the credit market is for the banks issuing it.

Credit can be created out of thin air. It’s merely numbers on a computer’s memory store. CASH however, has to be physically printed, and oddly enough accounted for when it is both created and decommissioned (burned in the furnaces).

To my knowledge, neither the Bank of England nor any other UK institution have created a single pound of “new” money in the entire QE programme - It has ALL been credit and nothing more.

You fancy a pint? The publican draws you a nice pint of froth, because the barrel is empty? Your reaction is?

“Go back and pull me a proper LIQUID pint - not a glass of froth!”

Credit=froth. You have created it out of hot air!

Beer, on the other hand cannot be created out of thin air, it needs the actual substance of water as it’s main base. Likewise, real cash cannot be easily created. :grimacing:

Turning on the “printing press” as QE is often referred to, actually never happens.
It takes approximately 140 pounds of condensed credit (liquidated loans) before a typical issuing or clearing bank will actually print a single ten pound note.
The danger the UK is in at present is that DEFLATION represents a condensing of credit into real cash, but in the process 130 pounds of credit is actually DESTROYED in that it is no longer available to spend. The £140 of credit has condensed into £10 of real money. In time, you’ll be able to buy as much with that £10 cash money as you USED to be able to buy with £140 of tick. This might well take years to achieve however, because the banks themselves are holding on by their fingernails to try and re-inflate by issuing NEW credit which alas, fewer people want than before, and even fewer than that can actually afford to make interest payments on! :unamused:

I predict that in 10 years time, the static wages of the trucker will start to look rather good in terms of what it will buy in the proverbial high street.
It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure therefore that your WAGES have not fallen on a per-hour basis during this deflationary contraction. :sunglasses:

There’s no “better tomorrow” if you’re not financially around to enjoy it! :open_mouth:

What■■? Just sounds like people are looking for another hand out or freebie!

Sent from my iPhone using my right index finger!

your best bet is to go and live in India,
our government sends millions of pounds over there, you might just get some of it

If the government and banks DO get together to “share £50bn” with the public, it will be in the form of

“easy credit - everyone can have a credit card regardless of their history”

which of course is at the heart of the entire usary conspiracy!

Who’d rather have a cash money pay rise, even of just a few percent, RATHER than an increase in their credit limit of 100%?

That’s the difference between cash and credit when most people cannot see beyond “spending power”, thereby thinking that £1000 of credit on a card is the same as £1000 in wages. It is not. £70 of wages will get you £1000 of credit, and if you refuse to take the £1000 of credit, you’re forced to get by on £70 cash.
Believe me, it CAN be done and I for one am saving an absolute fortune in interest payments by refusing to play the bank’s game! :smiling_imp:

With a population of just over 62,000,000 thats just a bit over £800, if you just gave it to registered voters thats a bit over 47,000,000 which would be a bit over £1000 each. Maybe I’ll put my name to a better researched petition. :unamused:

For me it is a case of taking any opportunity to express my lack of confidence in the banks, government and the EU. The petition may not have legs but I feel better for signing it.

Next month I’ll owe nothing but the mortgage, no credit cards or loans. My bank account is looking better than ever. My policy now is stash as much as possible and buy stuff when I can afford. I feel far less stressed now than ever before. The less I deal with the banking industry the better.