Qualitas cpc

Hi Guys hindsight and forums are a wonderful thing, started my training with Qualitas this year and have fallen for the cpc con. Am a newbie and didn’t know any better, but do now! Anyway ,no expense spared, Booked a hotel for my training days and after 4 days was the proud owner of my class 2 pass certificate.
Now the difficult bit, ring Qualitas order cpc home study book and when it arrives look at it and think bloody hell how can you get to be a class1 driver having to learn all this. Study a bit then look on here and find I don’t need cpc to take class1 test and certainly don’t need operators cpc whoops! After finding out I have to book and pay for exam myself, I eventually find a firm that book test and will be sitting exam in December. Hopefully I will pass if I study really hard and learn everything about an occupation I know very little about, then take my class1 on a wagon and drag. Maybe with an operators cpc I might find it easier to get employed as a driver
who knows?
Will keep you posted on the exam, as I haven’t seen on here if anyone has taken or passed it yet
Thanks Qualitas a nice flashy advert on the net and so many hidden tricks for newbies

You and me, too, brother newbie.

I was caught by the same sales pitch but through another company (or possibly the same company under a different name) called Sterling. I have a thread on just this topic going right now.

I’m not sure what to make of it really.

The driver training seems to be OK by all reports I’ve read. It’s the selling of this seemingly irrelevant CPC course that wrankles with me. Now if it was the driver CPC, that would be a different kettle of fish.

I’m going to give this CPC course my best shot even if it is irrelevant to making me a better driver. I want that C+E course!

Welcome to TrucknetUk Foxstein :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: and WELL DONE on passing your C test :smiley:

Thanks for the reply Sterling is the same company cos when i did my training the guy who was sharing with me had booked his course through sterling, He was only doing the class2, luckily for me he did his test first and unfortunately for him he failed, the instructor took him on a route we hadn’t practiced, this didn’t fill me with confidence cos he was quite a good driver. The examiner was a woman and she made me feel right at ease and I passed with only 4 minors.
Which study book have you got? I have the Kogan Page 12th edition, are you using any additional material besides the book and when are you taking the exam?
Cheers Mick

WELL DONE on passing your test . I am in the same position fell for the con thinking this was the drivers cpc and the funding for the artic, i failed my class c but have a retest next week.it would be interesting to see how many have fell for this.once again well done

Thanks ROG and Smiggy
Smiggy are you going ahead with your cpconce you pass your class2? If so here’s a few things you might need to know, the exams are held every 3 months Dec and March are the next, the cut off for Dec exam is next week and you can download previous exams papers and answers and the examiners comments from the OCR website which is very useful, and the scenario for the exams is pre-released 2 weeks before the exam so you can study it in full
Hope you pass your re-test mate

I am thinking of going for the cpc as already paid out for the so called home study ,give it a go all being well if you get a pass its another string to your bow it may come in handy in the future.so if i pass next week i willprobs be looking at march. keep us posted on your progress and good luck

Thanks Qualitas a nice flashy advert on the net and so many hidden tricks for newbies

The power of advertising eh? Trouble is they dont exactly tell lies - they are just a little economical with the truth.
Truck drivers do NOT need the CPC until 2009. They dont tell you that it is required - but they sure dont tell you that it is not :unamused:

Truck drivers do NOT need the CPC until 2009.

Truck Drivers do not need the CPC they are pushing any time in the foreseeable future.

I’m going to give this CPC course my best shot even if it is irrelevant to making me a better driver.

The information in this CPC is a lot more than you need, as a lorry driver.
However, almost all of it is relevant to drivers.
One of the biggest complaints among newly qualified drivers is that they know nothing about the hours rules, who is responsible for this that or the other, etc etc etc.
Having completed the CPC course work, you should have the answers to all these questions at your finger tips (plus a lot more). Gaining the CPC qualification means you can move on to many other parts of the transport industry, when you are ready for that change.

Now that you’ve spent the money, conned or not, get the qualification. It’ll teach you a lot about the rules we all work under and stand you in good stead later on. Don’t go at it half hearted because it’s irrelevant, it isn’t.

I’m not picking on you, Shortfatbaldy, you are the one that posted it. The others were thinking it. :open_mouth: (I’m a mind reader :laughing: :laughing: ).

Simon, I really appreciate your input on this. And I don’t feel in the least bit “got at.” I’ll always appreciate getting hold of the knowledge, experience and opinions of others who have stuff that I can learn.

I did actually say that I’m going to give this CPC my best shot. Like most of the other posters on this site, I’m not a half-hearted sort of person. I love learning stuff … and I just love mind readers!

Talking of the devil…

I got a letter from Qualitas today once again offering me this package. Which they call ’ THE MOST INCREDIBLE LGV COURSE EVER’ in big bold letters.

Sorry to you lot who got stung by this, but as others have been saying, you may as well give the cpc exam your best shot, best of luck btw!!

I nearly got swayed in by this company and others (pathway, clearstone etc)

Thanks again to this forum for all the informative posts it holds.

Im off to Priestley LGV on saturday for my assesment drive (see you then MotherTrucker) cant wait

Im off to Priestley LGV on saturday for my assesment drive (see you then MotherTrucker) cant wait

Tea or Coffee? One sugar or two?

Story so far,
got exam booked for Dec 7th and downloaded case scenario from OCR website to study, cost for exam £75 plus £60 for examiner, because I am external entry, plus £55 for a refresher course day i.e. mock exam ( which should help)
all that plus VAT
if you want to see the scenario go to OCR website then cpc in search, national haulage, all documents Dec 7th case study
Free artic course looking very expensive so far, if I fail ,next exam March, 2 months later results, hope I pass or else I’ll run out of time for free artic, cos I think it’s only valid for 1 year from booking
Keep you posted

I have lost count of the number of people who have come to me for the CPC exam only, after going for the FREE C+E course with qualitas and thier ilk.

Most, having studied in isolation, fail module four (the case study). They t6hen run out of time and lose the FREE C+E course;.

Could I ask about the student notes you were supplied? Who wrote them?

sorry guys haven’t had chance to get on here for a while
reply to obi wan
the study notes I am using are : A study manual of professional competance in road haulage, by david lowe as supplied by Qualitas seems to be quite informative, and done a bit of web searching. At least the case study is pre-released so I have an idea of the questions that may be asked.
Shouldn’t be too hard for a bricklayer lol
When I passed my class 2 the instructor said he’d see me in about 6 weeks! He was hoping, more like 4 months minimum

Hi Foxstein

I don’t know the Author you mentioned, have never seen his student notes.
My advice would be to get as much additional information as you can.

Have a look at the VOSA website, there is a lot of info on there and don’t be afraid to ask questions on here, there are a lot of Knowledgeable people using this website.

The prices you mentioned in your original post are wrong. Did you round some of them up■■?

The cost of the examinations should be £73.70 there is no VAT on exams.

The £60.00 is, I assume, an administration fee charged by the training provider you are sitting the exam with. This is standard practice.

£55.00 for a one day refresher is not a bad price.

OCR release the case study scenario early to give you a chance to familiarise yourself with the ficticious company involved, you may get a general idea of the type of questions likely to be asked but very rarely have I been able to second guess what will be asked.

Good luck for 7/12/07 and please let us know how you get on. (It will be mid Feb before you hear)

Thanks Obi-wan
yes I did round up a little on the prices
Got my refresher course this Saturday so will have some idea of how I am doing. As for the released scenario i know there could be a multitude of questions that could be asked so am studying hard. Thanks for the advise, if there is any questions I’m sure I will post on here.
As regards previous posts on the site does anyone know of anyone who has taken this exam or know anyone who has passed? Especially anyone who doesn’t come from a haulage background? I suppose if I’d been driving for 20 years a lot of the questions would be common sense or would have a basic knowledge of but as I’ve been in the building trade for 20 years I know a lot about building but bugger all about haulage, well, till I got the study book , now I know what an ‘O’ license is lol
Cheers Mick

Hi Foxstein

I don’t know the Author you mentioned, have never seen his student notes.
My advice would be to get as much additional information as you can.


writes a lot of good stuff on transport - including the RHA & FTA books - you really should have heard of him :wink:

TMOH is a book that every cpc holder should have


Just looked on my bookshelf, I have two books by David Lowe including the Transport Manager & operator’s handbook which is a couple of years old. The other one is on driver’s hours, now sadly out of date.

I haven’t read them but have probably dipped in and out of them a few times, I will buy new ones to replace them.

Dammit! Now you’ve got me sorting shelves of books out. lol