
Prime d/s creature.No way in hell is this a human.

the maoster:

Trump is right - It ain’t over yet, by a long shot…

Ya think? I have no axe to grind either way but if you don’t think that there will be two Pickford removal lorries (one facing in and one facing out) in around 40 days on the drive of the White House then you are deluded.

You could well be right Maoster, it’s very likely Winseer and mesen have it completely wrong, as usual, but if Trump is ousted in what is probably a stolen election and the Dems think that the 4 years of utter hell they gave Trump and the nation in general won’t be paid back in spades, by an even stronger GOP legislature, an incrediably rich chap called Trump who’s dictionary doesn’t contain the word surrender, and something like 75 million patriots who know they’ve been cheated and declare ‘‘not my president’’, they have another think coming.


Back On Theme?
Fake news, spin, and how an innocent error is grabbed and multiplied into a harmful tool

Wouldn’t matter if it is/was a reaction to the vaccine, they’ve been granted immunity from being sued if it all goes ■■■■ up, at least this side of the pond so can only assume its the same over the water.

You do have to wonder about the sense in volunteering to be a guinea pig when you have children in nappies who depend on you, but there nowt as queer as folk.

Wouldn’t matter if it is/was a reaction to the vaccine, they’ve been granted immunity from being sued if it all goes ■■■■ up, at least this side of the pond so can only assume its the same over the water.

You do have to wonder about the sense in volunteering to be a guinea pig when you have children in nappies who depend on you, but there nowt as queer as folk.

Nearly as dumb as volunteering to be a soldier or summat I guess?
(For the hard of thinking, I ain’t slagging off the military here! But feel free to rant anyway)


Wouldn’t matter if it is/was a reaction to the vaccine, they’ve been granted immunity from being sued if it all goes ■■■■ up, at least this side of the pond so can only assume its the same over the water.

You do have to wonder about the sense in volunteering to be a guinea pig when you have children in nappies who depend on you, but there nowt as queer as folk.

Nearly as dumb as volunteering to be a soldier or summat I guess?
(For the hard of thinking, I ain’t slagging off the military here! But feel free to rant anyway)

Arrogance and egotism off the scale.

the maoster:

Trump is right - It ain’t over yet, by a long shot…

Ya think? I have no axe to grind either way but if you don’t think that there will be two Pickford removal lorries (one facing in and one facing out) in around 40 days on the drive of the White House then you are deluded.

The only way the Supreme Court is going to find against Trump, and dismiss the masses of evidence presented - is if the SCOTUS three critical judges - have their families threatened if they don’t find in favour of the Communist Takeover.

Is that going to happen?

We should all be hoping not - even the Lefties by this point, that are now realizing they were conned into voting for another lukewarm Liberal who will ensure that the Wealthy elite stay put, and no one gets a hand up from the Leftie masses that kept them there… Trump? Is he wealthy? The Left are already saying he’s bankrupt for the 11th and final time the moment he leaves the Whitehouse… If they are right he won’t be leaving quietly, and if they are wrong he won’t be leaving at all… :smiling_imp:

Wouldn’t matter if it is/was a reaction to the vaccine, they’ve been granted immunity from being sued if it all goes ■■■■ up, at least this side of the pond so can only assume its the same over the water.

You do have to wonder about the sense in volunteering to be a guinea pig when you have children in nappies who depend on you, but there nowt as queer as folk.

Ever thought that this might be a great way to cull the masses here?

We’re not seeing any celebs rolling up their sleeves, bragging about how they are lining up their kids to have the jab…

My Mrs usually has a flu jab at this time of the year - but not THIS year!

This is a major trust issue, where the public have been lied to so much and so often this year in particular, that if we all got offered an injection of Phenol (Hospital Disinfectant) - people would just sigh and go for it, even though it would prove fatal… There are plenty of people out there who will lose everything they have between the end of January when the credit card bills come in, and the end of March when the Furlough rug gets pulled away…

Who’s job is safe these days? People around here have got glarey decorations up like this is the last Christmas in history, and they aint short of money and all… The electric price is double what it was a year ago, so who the hell can afford to be that extravagent with electric power of late?

17 states are now supporting Texas in the US Supreme Court lawsuit against Georgia Michigan Pennsylvania and Winsconsin over unconstitutional election practices.

Its in all of our interests that fair play is seen to be done at election time, if it isn’t then what’s to stop banana republic style corruption and possible election theft becoming more common here when the usual suspects see it works and is without consequences.


the maoster:

Trump is right - It ain’t over yet, by a long shot…

Ya think? I have no axe to grind either way but if you don’t think that there will be two Pickford removal lorries (one facing in and one facing out) in around 40 days on the drive of the White House then you are deluded.

The only way the Supreme Court is going to find against Trump, and dismiss the masses of evidence presented - is if the SCOTUS three critical judges - have their families threatened if they don’t find in favour of the Communist Takeover.

Is that going to happen?

It has happened. 9-0 against Trump.

A “banana republic”?
One where the leader seeks to remain in power against the popular vote? Where the leader surrounds himself with family members and various sycophants? Where he panders to his armed supporters? Where the tax payers give funds to the leader’s own companies?
Yeah, I see what you mean.
Nothing to do with, orangutans then?
The orange, almost bald headed, and noisy apes, well known for using tools like sticks.

A “banana republic”?
One where the leader seeks to remain in power against the popular vote? Where the leader surrounds himself with family members and various sycophants? Where he panders to his armed supporters? Where the tax payers give funds to the leader’s own companies?
Yeah, I see what you mean.
Nothing to do with, orangutans then?
The orange, almost bald headed, and noisy apes, well known for using tools like sticks.

Well said. Succinctly put.

Just reading vaccine whistleblower-Brandy Vaughan has been found dead.Nothing to see…etc

It’s looking increasingly likely that Trump needs to call Martial-Law.The commie cancer’s too deeply entrenched in the body-politic for anything less.No point ‘draining the swamp’ just to get a venomous dose from a deep-state reptile,lurking neath the slime.

Trump won’t need to declare martial law, simply because he’s got over 70m supporters of his own, whilst Biden simply cannot muster anywhere near the near 80m voters he’s supposed to have had…

Biden Support.jpg

Trump support.jpg

Trump Truck.gif

Here’s the True state-of-play in America right now…

… I don’t think America is gonna go quietly into the night, give up their guns to the commies, or lay off breaking a few lefty heads if necessary to get the result that 70m+ actual people with guns - voted for…



the maoster:

Trump is right - It ain’t over yet, by a long shot…

Ya think? I have no axe to grind either way but if you don’t think that there will be two Pickford removal lorries (one facing in and one facing out) in around 40 days on the drive of the White House then you are deluded.

The only way the Supreme Court is going to find against Trump, and dismiss the masses of evidence presented - is if the SCOTUS three critical judges - have their families threatened if they don’t find in favour of the Communist Takeover.

Is that going to happen?

It has happened. 9-0 against Trump.

So who told you that complete pile of fake news then?
All the supreme court need to decide is if the evidence is substatial enough to prove “beyond reasonable doubt”, which basically means if less than 75% of all Americans have any full confidence in this, their current voting system - then I’d say the entire SYSTEM is beyond reasonable doubt, broken forever, and in need of overhaul.

The only thing that can happen in the meantime, is the entire election is voided like the 1993 Grand National, leaving Trump as the first 8-year first-term president.

All the infrastructure is in place to make that happen.

In the four years to follow, Trump won’t be able to get much radical new stuff done, and would basically be a dead duck President like Obama was in his second term…
What the entire country have AMPLE time to do though - is put a new election system in place where the results cannot ever be refuted again.

ID required to vote

A nominal payment of say $1 to cast a vote, meaning that “non-existant people in the black economy” get disenfranchised, as do criminals, fugitives, foreign nationals, and of course dead people, who have their accounts closed as part of the disbursements and probate process…

All votes must be cast within the united states, either in person or from an address you’ve lived at for at least 5 years, verified by taxes being paid from that address in that voter’s name.

Votes to be cast using only ATM machines, making one’s vote as secure as one’s cash in a bank account. Why steal a single vote only castable once, when a hacker once in there - will simply nick that person’s balance instead? It would be an impossible temptation for election hackers to resist, I suggest…

Proof in court that one’s vote has “been stolen” would be a bank statement showing money going missing at the same time… Easy peasy to prove outright, let alone “beyond reasonable doubt”, and with a money trail to follow to the vote-stealer to boot!

This is rather alarming as well…

Maybe the strategy is seen as “WWIII if we get rid of Trump, WWIII averted if we let him stay on”…?

Just reading vaccine whistleblower-Brandy Vaughan has been found dead.Nothing to see…etc

Of Covid?

Lets hope they’ve not become too complacent over the years with the false sense of security that goes with their copious armaments,for all our sakes- ,poisoned American- diet-model (Aspartame etc),vaccine damaged,tv-hypnotised,flouridated water, GM- food, decades of high on the hog-phantom-money-underpinned-living…gulp .My suspicion is Trump’s merely fulfilling his Hegellian,33rd degree Masonic obligations, good- cop, bad -cop routine, to corral and pincer-move the deplorables and associated ordnance,thus removing the final obstacle for the full NWO rollout to take shape.Maybe worth reflecting that the whole of America was established by Freemasonry- Washington,Jefferson-Franklin, et-al,(all trouser-rollers to a man) .Makes sense for them to end the project now the plunder is complete. :frowning: Sincerely hope i’m wrong,The- P.O.T.L.E.Z- blueprint is certainly taking shape right now. :smiling_imp: