
Does America let Biden keep this flawed election - or not?

The bookmaker prices on Betfair suggest that the chance Biden has of being in the Whitehouse in January - are the same (Odds-on 1/20) as Hilary had in 2016 on actual polling day, and the chance given to Remain winning the Referendum - again, on actual polling day.

“Racing Certainty” it is called.

Here’s for the Hat Trick Odds-On LOSER coming right up then!. :wink: :wink:

Bring on the Kraken…go Sidney,go girl. :sunglasses:

Is that the Sidney who has just been thrown under the bus by their leader?


Bring on the Kraken…go Sidney,go girl. :sunglasses:

Is that the Sidney who has just been thrown under the bus by their leader?

How will that look on her CV?
“Sacked by Trump” ok.
“For being too extreme”!

Some (non mockingbird) sites have interesting takes, Breitbart in particular, (comments) suggestive of a different view. I suspect there’s a deal of info and disinfo gathering around the forthcoming events,Sh-ts gonna get real,real these next few days .Sealed indictments anyone? :wink:

Trump looks pretty relaxed for a person who’s supposedly about to be dragged out of there by a SEAL team…

Whom do the Armed Forces follow again?

Are the Armed forces just going to follow BbbbbBiden’s orders to go into countries America isn’t enemies of, to push the envelope for some China-loving Leftist Regime there, such as wresting East Ukraine off Russia for Borgia-Like Kiev…?

…Or invade Egypt, to remove the nasty military regime there that put the boot up the arse of the “Muslim Brotherhood” from before?

…Or let China kill millions in the Asian sub continent, because China lends the Leftist governments around the world - all the money it can waste?

Trump looks pretty relaxed for a person who’s supposedly about to be dragged out of there by a SEAL team…

Whom do the Armed Forces follow again?

Are the Armed forces just going to follow BbbbbBiden’s orders to go into countries America isn’t enemies of, to push the envelope for some China-loving Leftist Regime there, such as wresting East Ukraine off Russia for Borgia-Like Kiev…?

…Or invade Egypt, to remove the nasty military regime there that put the boot up the arse of the “Muslim Brotherhood” from before?

…Or let China kill millions in the Asian sub continent, because China lends the Leftist governments around the world - all the money it can waste?

"BbbbbBiden’s". I don’t like it when “debate” falls to this level. Poor taste and puts any merit to the argument out the door.

If there’s a truth to be told - then tell it.
To deny it, is to Lie.

Now where did Biden get enough votes to get past Trump surging 10m+ votes in his own right from?

Biden also stands against Brexit, and is already upsetting the Left of the Democrat party who so recently supported him as the “Anti Trump” candidate…

He wasted nearly 50 years in politics getting little to nothing done in that time.

It made perfect sense for Trump to surge in the polls, but no sense at all for his opponent to overtake that unbelievably high turnout, that makes Putin’s 78% win look totally legit by comparison…

Highly recommend Weekend Warrior’s blog on yt,as well as Brother Nathanael at ‘truthseeker’ site,two fine truthers indeed.

Just days now for Trump to produce a “Nothingburger” of his own, OR the biggest 3-D chessmoves in history…

The usual court definition of “Proved” - is something “Beyond reasonable doubt”, and that, in turn - is 75%+ Proven…

I’d say that the Turnout Alone is “beyond reasonable doubt” proof that the entire election across all 50 states - has been tampled with to at least the tune of six-figure number of votes PER STATE.

This means that the legal team working either directly for Trump, or indirectly on behalf of the Judicary/Republic - will need to produce hard copy evidence (not merely “affidavits”) that at least 100,000 votes are compromised in each state… The backdoor blinder here, is that these 100,000 vote critical mass - need NOT be “100,000 votes switched from Trump to Biden” or even switched at ALL.
They can be:

Dead people voting
Non-Citizens voting
Prisoner Voting (you get disenfranchised whilst serving a jail term)
Foreign Tourists voting
LOCAL tourists voting (Eg. Person from Utah, the most solid Republican State crosses state line to vote Democrat in Nevada, where their vote would “make a difference”)

plus on top
“Ballot Stuffing” which regular banana republics routinely get accused of
“Ballot Destruction” which local incinerator plants in Peterborough might be accused of

and of course

“Software Hacking”
Where every 20th vote gets switched from Republican to Democrat, in a similar manner to that software that works on those Crane Machines you see in amusement arcades, where even when you KNOW you’ve grabbed the thing squarely - the bloody cuddly toy, of “not much weight” ALWAYS slips straight back out the jaws again, 19 times out of 20. (20 times out of 20 - if the lucky 20th person - buggers it up by grabbing the wrong bit of Teddy…) Cuddly toys are not typically worth £10-£20 each anyways, so the machine is pretty much guaranteed to make money, and the only way to “beat one” is simply wait for enough people to lose ahead of you, and then go on yourself with an increased chance of “getting luck early”… (This is known as “Perching”)

Then there’s “Software Negligence” as well, where votes that counted at one moment, simply get deleted rather than “switched” the next.

This latter case - is actually the most dangerous, but also the most necessary for this fraud to be carried out effectively:
How so?

Because by deleting votes that have already been counted, on the re-count, the overall TURNOUT drops back, and doesn’t look suspiciously near 100% turnout, which would also be why all turnouts contine to be TBA despite states “calling early” and all the other bits that are supposedly meant to get Trump into throwing his hand away, rather than hanging on for the final showdown - a full voter AUDIT rather than just a simple “recount” where the flawed data just gets counted all over again - exactly the same.

…There’s even a backdoor angle in that upto 36% of the “switched” votes could even be switched FOR Trump. They’d still be fraudulent and would prove a fraudulent election if found - right?

So many ways in which at least 100k votes in each state can be proven to be “no good” in some fashion…

It will take time however, maybe 2-3 weeks in which to keep cross-flying the states, using multiple “fact finders” to collate all this evidence when it then gets presented straight to the Supreme Court, as we already know “Producing it to the local state legislatures” - will almost certainly ensure it goes “walkies” if done at the ground level.

No, the ■■■■■■■■ evidence need to blow this wide open - needs to be FLOWN about on military aircraft “to keep that evidence secure”.

Notice how quiet the Joint Chiefs have been of late, those very same Joint Chiefs that Biden thinks he’ll be ordering to “Evict Trump from the Whitehouse” before long… :smiling_imp:

Meanwhile, Trump - is off the play golf, as steady as Sir Francis Drake off to play Bowls on Plymouth Hoe…

There's time to finish the game - and beat the Spanish too.....jpg

Notice that no one is suggesting that this particular video is “deep faked” like Obama would have us all believe is “commonplace”…

<warning - contains profanity one wouldn’t expect Obama to say>


^^^^ I don’t think that kid was staging anything, as you’d instinctively put your arms/hands out to break your fall if dead-dropped like THAT…

Dorset Gardens Hotel, Croydon, Melbourne, Australia.

The kid must have already been unconcious, and did indeed already look blue in the face from that arm-lock…

Over-the-top behaviour by the security guards…

The clear message here is you WILL comply with what WE tell YOU to believe of the CoronaVirus!

<Warning - contains fictional (for now) overzealous unblockable “police” enforcement>

Almost in same league as that fellow fat swine who interrupted a recent,UK cremation service, keeping 2 relatives-‘socially-distanced’ from their grieving mother ,captured for the world to see on cctv. :imp: These creatures need throwing to the crocs.

Almost in same league as that fellow fat swine who interrupted a recent,UK cremation service, keeping 2 relatives-‘socially-distanced’ from their grieving mother ,captured for the world to see on cctv. :imp: These creatures need throwing to the crocs.

That’ll be this one I take it?

“Not supposed to watch RT don’tya know…”

That’s the one.Disgraceful doesn’t cover it.There’s an interesting clip of Sleepy Bidet on M.O.L with a pair of Lucifer lugs that appear to be sprouting from the creeps temples,tried to post but failed to fly. :open_mouth: Big fan of Russia Today, up there with Unz Review,Lew Rockwell and Henry Makow for authentic journalism.Not sure about Tucker Carlson tbh, can’t trust anyone sporting a Cabbalist red wrist-string adornment as was recently revealed.More than likely a 33rd degreer.

That’s the one.Disgraceful doesn’t cover it.There’s an interesting clip of Sleepy Bidet on M.O.L with a pair of Lucifer lugs that appear to be sprouting from the creeps temples,tried to post but failed to fly. :open_mouth: Big fan of Russia Today, up there with Unz Review,Lew Rockwell and Henry Makow for authentic journalism.Not sure about Tucker Carlson tbh, can’t trust anyone sporting a Cabbalist red wrist-string adornment as was recently revealed.More than likely a 33rd degreer.

You know someone has gone up in reputation when the Big liars lie about the Small liars - in an attempt to make them look bad.

The most neutral a “Journalist” can be, is to “report the news, and raise hell” at all times, no compromise.

It actually makes someone like Tucker look better if he occasionally has some critique OF Trump and the Republicans, rather than just be a mouthpiece for same, drawing attention to their own arguments, but not those of the other side…

That’s the trouble though: The Left have gone out-of-their way to find “no good, anywhere” in Trump, which puts the Right leaning folks on the back foot in to "not even wanting to hear the arguments of the Left…

It might have been possible to sell the public all this tree hugging stuff IF it hadn’t been so wrapped in swaddling bulls hit - that one’s eyes glaze over the moment a politician opens their mouth, regardless of the occasional pearl of “something for everyone” that might be in there with it…

At the end of the day, “Actions speak louder than words”.

The whole-‘right-left’ concept itself surely should have been buried by now :open_mouth: seems like the ultimate divide and rule paradigm that doesn’t fly anymore.Is it still an economic thing,i ask in all innocence? never really grasped the concept tbh. :astonished:

The whole-‘right-left’ concept itself surely should have been buried by now :open_mouth: seems like the ultimate divide and rule paradigm that doesn’t fly anymore.Is it still an economic thing,i ask in all innocence? never really grasped the concept tbh. :astonished:

If you want to see how little the right/left divide has been narrowed, then switch on James O’Brien at 10am on LBC, and see if you find yourself nodding in agreement, or gritting your teeth at the high-spun comments he so often makes with regards to anything “Right”.

Compare him say to Maajid Nawaz on LBC on the other hand, and here’s a proper liberal (as an ex Libdem candidate arguably should be) who is able to bite the bit of a Right argument as well as a Left one…
I was as gobsmacked as everyone else - hearing him stick up for Trump the other week, and the way Trump has saved countless lives in the middle east, simply by “not invading countries on a pretence”…
Those who might have critisised Trump for being “aggressive towards China and Iran rather than Syria and Saudi Arabia” - should notice that there’s been no wars anywhere invoving unilateral US incursions over “Oil” nor anything else… And yet the Left truly do seem to hate the man with a passion…

Thanks Winseer will take a gander forthwith.Two interesting sites i’m liking-Tomato Bubble(Anti New York Times) dude by name of MS-King.I’ve read a couple of his books and you can definitely say he’s consistent :open_mouth: Also-Winterwatch,often linked from Unz-Review both worth a glance.

This blogger has been consistently on the ball from 2016-Weekend Warrior :wink: