Put downs

Must have been about 5 years ago, usual run up to Gent,stopped off at Alveringhem to get some supplies(all night shop)
Anyway, walking back to truck with another driver from same firm as mine as two of "Eddies finest"are walking in.
“Morning girls” says one.
"You kin what"says i.
“Only havin a larf mate” was the reply.
"Your"e the one with the tarts name on your motor you ■■■,do one!! . . .he did!!

May i just add that i have no personal grudge against drivers of est, before you ask, he caught me on a bad day, well it was about 2am

Blimey! you should have hit him with your handbag, or were you worried you might get into a fight and ladder your tights :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well ,well, i cant believe that so many of you have taken umbridge to my initial post . . . read the title - Put Downs.
It wasnt intended as a swipe at somebody coming out with a so called “funny remark” but more of point to an instant “put down” by my good self. Sorry to cause any offence to “ducks”, “love” - whoever but most of you seem to have totally missed the point . . . and you reckon i should “get out more” and “get a sense of humour” !!
Mine obviously went straight over your heads

probably can’t see the point of making someone look small as he’s being friendly to you, i know i can’t
oh and theres nothing good about it neither

Well ,well, i cant believe that so many of you have taken umbridge to my initial post . . . read the title - Put Downs.
It wasnt intended as a swipe at somebody coming out with a so called “funny remark” but more of point to an instant “put down” by my good self. Sorry to cause any offence to “ducks”, “love” - whoever but most of you seem to have totally missed the point . . . and you reckon i should “get out more” and “get a sense of humour” !!
Mine obviously went straight over your heads

Could be we were looking for the PUT DOWN! IMHO all there was was a nasty, uncalled for, aggressive reply to a fellow British driver, away from home. A put down has to have some humour attached and I don’t think it was apparent.

E.G. Security - You should have been here at 1400.
Driver - Why what happened?

Ok not the funniest but I hope you see the point.


E.G. Security - You should have been here at 1400.
Driver - Why what happened?

Ok not the funniest but I hope you see the point.

Hehehee… Now THAT’S funny ! Must remember that one… :laughing:

Christ al-bloody-mighty man, you think thats bad■■?

I was in East London the other week and some driver says “awright ■■■■” :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I nearly swung right at him!!!
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

“sticks and stones” an all that :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Isn’t the answer to that, “sorry mate, it hangs slightly to the left!”

I think it was Sudehead who missed the point… :unamused:

I think it was Sudehead who missed the point… :unamused:

only by about a million miles :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:


Not put downs as such but standard responses from me.

A N Other - Can I ask you a question?
Me - You just did.

A N Other - Can I ask you a couple of questions?
Me - You’ve got one left.

‘…Morning girls…’ says one

I’ve nothing that would get past the mod’s, but I can’t help reflecting on the number here who are gagging for bogs/po-fors/commodes in cabs …and surely how all we girls will be sitting-down to pee behind our curtains.

Cooee …you got any loo-roll in your lorry.? - to be put down by ‘…get your own, sweet-heart…’

You tell em girls

Although nothing to do with put downs. I do feel slightly embarrassed when we bump into another British driver abroad and they do the cringeworthy handshake.


We ignore each other in cafes, we sit alone and stab everyone as soon as their back is turned. Every driver is parked in a ■■■■ soaked layby hiding behind frilly curtains, yet we want to grab everyones hand and do the false handshake.

Alright ■■■■, Duck or Eyup mate, will do for me ta. :smiley:

we do that here too, get together in the George and Dragon to watch the footie shaking hands and treating everybody like brothers…none of us would get on back in blighty :confused:



E.G. Security - You should have been here at 1400.
Driver - Why what happened?

Ok not the funniest but I hope you see the point.

Hehehee… Now THAT’S funny ! Must remember that one… :laughing:

where have you been for the last 20 years■■?