totally of topic :wink:

hi all i would like to take the time to see if anyone on here would be interested in a gorgeous border collie x springer spaniel puppy we have five to find homes for all look black and white but are now turning brown and white we have a male with collie markings and a male and three females with springer markings all really cute if your interested pm me for more info etc. chris.

I hate you. Those were not the sort of puppies I was expecting/hoping for. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

sorry these are the oly pups i have as my dogs had some fun lol :laughing:

Sadly I’m not in a position to offer a dog a home, would be out the house to much and the poor dog would be alone, thats not fair :frowning:

But now you’ve tempted us all you really should post some pictures :wink:

i have no idea how to put pics on lol tried using gallery but wount allow it

i have no idea how to put pics on lol tried using gallery but wount allow it

When you post look just bellow the text box that you type the message into and you will see a tab labelled “Upload attachment” (next to “Options” tab), click on it and use the “Browse” button to select the image.

When you’ve uploaded the image click “Add the file” then click the “Preview” button, now click on where it says “Add inline”, now you can either preview the post or click on “Submit” and your done :wink:

here are the puppies

hope you like :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Aaaarrrrrrrrr, They are lovely pups too :wink: but sadly my working life just won’t allow :frowning: I’m away from home too much. They are a lovely litter & you should be able to re-home them without much problem :smiley:

were selling them all to i want to keep one but wie wont let me lol they would make great travelling companions :wink: :wink:

Border collie x springer !!! two working breeds…they sure are going to need a lot of exercise :exclamation: (there still cute though) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

To nick the punchline form an old joke - I’ll have the one with the pink nose.

Would love one of them but doesn’t fit with the amount of time I have at home unfortunately.

Both breeds are madder than a box of frogs!! i’m sure they are very cute but not ones for the faint heated, wouldnt like to think i had one bounding round the cab on the M4 lol :laughing:

they def do need plenty of excercise we have the mum (border collie) and dad (springer spaniel) the springer is quiet energetic compared to the collie who will be coming with me to work once i pass my test and get a job lol as long as they get a good half hour scatty time their ok lol we live on a farm so can just shue them out

A Border Collie really deserves a lot of time and exercise.I take mine out with me on a bike she runs for 5 miles most days.and would do more given the chance.

we have a huge forest near us that we go to every few days we will go out for a good few hours and they run up the drive behind the car too so get vigorous excersise reguraly

Good luck finding homes for them. Having 5 dogs already, i think I do my bit for dog ownership.

Might be an idea to get the Collie spayed. :wink: I do some transport for a few dog charities and it’s sad how many fantastic dogs are shunted around in a bid to get a home and save them from being destryed :cry: