Psudo green cobblers

something that I find really annoying lately is some of the so called enviromental messages on the side of trucks nowadays , do the people who think this tosh up (& probably paid handsomely to do it ) think people are daft? ( bet the swine are called Damian or Tarquin or such ) ,the big supermarkets seem to be the main culprits , though some large hauliers are also guilty of this type of ■■■■■■■■ ( specially the one with green lorries ) things like : driven sensibly to help the enviroment, xxxx cares about your safety ,main roads 40mph dual carrigeway 50 mph e.t.c , NO , what you mean is cut down to save fuel & keep costs down , saving you money every day , NO, screwing your suppliers to sell cheaper & keep your profits up,& the most nauseating of all supplying sustain able distribution , NO , if you really cared so much about the enviroment you’d park the bloody lot up & hug trees , what a load of old crap ,i’m going to have a lie down

How right you are,the whole corporate green card is a busted flush when under the microscope.A monumental con of the highest degree,a nauseating racket of weapons grade hypocrisy designed to fill the wallets of system servers such as Al Gore and his satanic ilk.

Obviously destroying the countryside with windmills and fracking can be acceptable to corporations hence the stomach churning gumph displayed on trucks up and down the land.Your’e not alone in your blistering hatred of this titanic crock of ■■■■■■■■■■■ me.

How right you are,the whole corporate green card is a busted flush when under the microscope.A monumental con of the highest degree,a nauseating racket of weapons grade hypocrisy designed to fill the wallets of system servers such as Al Gore and his satanic ilk.

Obviously destroying the countryside with windmills and fracking can be acceptable to corporations hence the stomach churning gumph displayed on trucks up and down the land.Your’e not alone in your blistering hatred of this titanic crock of [zb],trust me.

Cripes, say what you think wont you. :wink:


How right you are,the whole corporate green card is a busted flush when under the microscope.A monumental con of the highest degree,a nauseating racket of weapons grade hypocrisy designed to fill the wallets of system servers such as Al Gore and his satanic ilk.

Obviously destroying the countryside with windmills and fracking can be acceptable to corporations hence the stomach churning gumph displayed on trucks up and down the land.Your’e not alone in your blistering hatred of this titanic crock of [zb],trust me.

Cripes, say what you think wont you. :wink:

He’s right though :slight_smile:

it makes me ■■■■…
look everybody,see our queer shaped trailer roof…this is how much we care about you :unamused:

and the sad fact is…all the sheep buy it.

It’s good to share!

Seems to be fuel tankers “going green” as well now, not just in the messaging but literally in the paintwork. You look at a BP tanker with its pale green and yellow flower logo. Then you have names like ‘Greenergy’ emblazoned on sparkling white tankers. You would think they are hauling some kind of magical potion that heals the Earth. It is all lies… lies I tell you!

This green, save the environment is a big con…

This green, save the environment is a big con…

it’s a moneyspinner

This green, save the environment is a big con…

It’s a fantastic excuse to introduce taxes and control behaviour. It has nothing to do with the environment.

I would draw a paralell with H&S rules. Nothing to do with your safety, everything to do with coroporate arse-covering.


This green, save the environment is a big con…

It’s a fantastic excuse to introduce taxes and control behaviour. It has nothing to do with the environment.

I would draw a paralell with H&S rules. Nothing to do with your safety, everything to do with coroporate arse-covering.

exactly , so called protecting the enviroment , but as long as you pay the tax you can run round in a gas guzzler , if they were that concerned then they would ban production of all cars below a certain co2 ( wouldn’t that give Mr Clarkson a sour face :laughing: ), but no, you pay you can pollute !! :angry:

if they were that concerned then they would ban production of all cars below a certain co2 ( wouldn’t that give Mr Clarkson a sour face :laughing: ), but no, you pay you can pollute !! :angry:

They have to a point. Any vehicle built currently and sold within the EU has to meet the Euro spec in force at the time of its production … _standards



This green, save the environment is a big con…

It’s a fantastic excuse to introduce taxes and control behaviour. It has nothing to do with the environment.

I would draw a paralell with H&S rules. Nothing to do with your safety, everything to do with coroporate arse-covering.

exactly , so called protecting the enviroment , but as long as you pay the tax you can run round in a gas guzzler , if they were that concerned then they would ban production of all cars below a certain co2 ( wouldn’t that give Mr Clarkson a sour face :laughing: ), but no, you pay you can pollute !! :angry:

Got the money? Pollute all you want… I think they want people using public transport simply because the revenue (ultimately) goes either to the government or an industrialist who is influential to and/or a party donor.

Be good little robots and get this packed, smelly, unreliable train every day whilst we that rule you get taxpayer-funded Range Rovers to tool around in. :frowning:

it`s the pr machine that breaks me.they cleverly(to some people)adourn the sides of their trucks with butterflies,trees etc,in an attempt to divert peoples attention from the real impact their operations have on the environment…with all their intensively reared foodstuffs etc.

it`s the pr machine that breaks me.they cleverly(to some people)adourn the sides of their trucks with butterflies,trees etc,in an attempt to divert peoples attention from the real impact their operations have on the environment…with all their intensively reared foodstuffs etc.

Agreed, but look at how many people fall for it! They truly have themselves to blame, when the Strictly Come Factor X or Eastenders is more important to people than the wrold around them.

I remember a “man” I knew telling me he would ring me back because Coronation Street was starting.

I never answered the phone to him again.

it makes me ■■■■…
look everybody,see our queer shaped trailer roof…this is how much we care about you :unamused:

and the sad fact is…all the sheep buy it.

What they fail to realise is that the queer shape means less load space so more trucks on the road …yes very green

Remember the advert a few years back, for a soap powder or fabric conditioner I think.

Basically it went something like" we’ve made our packs smaller, so we can use it using less large smelly diesel burning trucks, so we can make your kiddies life better"

Of course the real reason for making the packets smaller was to use less trucks and save money on transport costs, of course we’re not passing that saving onto our customer (as we are most likely running a cartel with our competitors) and doesn’t go into the pockets of the workers, it done so the top dogs and city types get even bigger bonuses.

psudo green cobblers :open_mouth:

I thought this was going to be one of Lukes cooking things again :grimacing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


it`s the pr machine that breaks me.they cleverly(to some people)adourn the sides of their trucks with butterflies,trees etc,in an attempt to divert peoples attention from the real impact their operations have on the environment…with all their intensively reared foodstuffs etc.

Agreed, but look at how many people fall for it! They truly have themselves to blame, when the Strictly Come Factor X or Eastenders is more important to people than the wrold around them.

I remember a “man” I knew telling me he would ring me back because Coronation Street was starting.

I never answered the phone to him again.

The place i’m working at the moment,no word of a lie,3 grown men regularly assemble when in the yard,for episodes of emmerdale farm sat around a screen watching tedious hollyoakes style soaps.I remember when this programme at least paid lip service to rural affairs and dealt with pertinent issueswith believable characters,Sam Pearson,Amos Brierley et al but from where i’m sitting I see nothing but a dismal procession of cap toothed flotsam fresh from the home counties.Hardly surising I suppose,I can see the benefits to house bound frail folks,these soaps would be a source of solace but then we are living in degraded times,are we not,when noxious chancers like Simon Cowell are the news instead of the musicians he allegedly ‘promotes’.

I’m being hounded at the moment by tv licence bods who seem to think it implausible that I don’t own a television,I have no intentions of having one,I’ts a sinister device of perception engineering I choose to give a wide berth,subliminal advertising galore,anything worth watching can be procured sans advertising (box sets for instance)The greatest step forward for the human race would be to bin their televisions en masse and cut free from the endless lies of mainstream media news outlets.The cathode ray is almost the perfect mechanism for promoting mass conformity and on the terrible occasions i’ve had to endure any brief exposure to the repulsive denizens of Albert Square,or becomes so blatant that the true purpose of soaps is no longer for flogging detergents,but most definetely for shaping attitudes that show a peverse and utterly bogus view of humanity.

Just finished a book by a chap called John Hamer called ‘the falsification of history’ a hefty tome of around 800 pages but this is a book that needs to be read.It really is a masterpiece that leaves no stone unturned in exposing the lies that have been spun for decades to keep us in chains.Just out of interest has anyone had any dealings with the tv bods?Do they have any genuine power to take you to court if their letters are binned as a matter of course.Handy to know?

Never had a tv license. They have knocked on the door of my various residences from time to time I’ve told them where to go.