Pssst.. Anyone wanna buy 6,000 Lts of Avtur?

Recall that incident. Nicking dirty fuel which will only mess thier engines up.

Holy thread resurrection batman :open_mouth:

Sorry, not very original, but

Holy Thread resurrection, Batman!!!

I wonder how many pages back this thread got dug up from■■?

I wonder how many pages back this thread got dug up from■■?

Maybe MickyBlue was doing a search for… avtur… or summat?
Maybe someone was offered a few 10year drums in the pub last night?


Sugar Ray:
THIEVES braved the threat of armed patrols.

A friends lad is in the RAF and like others has to do “guard duty”, he says that although they are usually armed they do not carry ammunition on every patrol, even when fully armed they are given the lecture of dire warning about using ammunition and the concequences of such, (now lad - these bullets cost money you know) I’m sure the diddycoys know this and exploit the fact to the full.

Is the term, "Giddycoys"derogatory and non pc? Only asking.

Apparently it’s more pc than calling them a bunch of thieving, lying, idle, fatherless ■■■■■■



Sugar Ray:
THIEVES braved the threat of armed patrols.

A friends lad is in the RAF and like others has to do “guard duty”, he says that although they are usually armed they do not carry ammunition on every patrol, even when fully armed they are given the lecture of dire warning about using ammunition and the concequences of such, (now lad - these bullets cost money you know) I’m sure the diddycoys know this and exploit the fact to the full.

Is the term, "Giddycoys"derogatory and non pc? Only asking.

DIDDYCOYS…just a seldom used reference to describing and stereotyping 99.99999% of the theiving travelling unwashed.
you cant refer to them as to what they are normally called due to the snowflake auto censor

heres a perfect example with the comments on there being much more accurately described. :slight_smile:

Beau Nydel:
Apparently it’s more pc than calling them a bunch of thieving, lying, idle, fatherless [zb].

About sums them up for me.

THIEVES braved the threat of armed patrols twice in one week in a bid to steal fuel from a store used by RAF Wittering.
Thieves decided to ignore the peril of armed military patrols to steal aviation fuel, which is unusable in a petrol vehicle and can damage some diesel engines.

The first raid took place in broad daylight on January 12 when the crooks made off with 6,000 litres of fuel worth £1,500 from a private fuel depot which is situated outside the base’s security perimeter.

When the thieves returned for a second attempt, under the cover of darkness five days later on January 17, an armed patrol spotted that part of a nearby fence had been cut and a padlock cut off.

The thieves fled empty-handed in a black 4x4 vehicle leaving behind a blue IVECO box van containing three large drums filled with aviation fuel.

The crooks had even left their pump still attached to the large tank they were siphoning. Retired Squadron Leader and spokesman for RAF Wittering, Tony Walsh said the thefts were a “first” for the base.

He said: "We have never had anyone try and steal something from there before.

“In fact the last time anyone actually tried to get into the base was when the CND protesters were here.”

Security guards at the base have to look after a 26 kilometre perimeter and use armed patrols as well as dog patrols to ensure no-one can get into the air base.

Sq Ldr Walsh added: “It is a massive area to cover as you can appreciate but we will be working very closely with Cambridgeshire Police to try and help catch these people.”

A spokeswoman for Cambridgeshire Police described the theft as “unusual” and said as the fuel was on a privately-owned site next to the base it was a civil crime and therefore they would be leading the investigation.

She added: “If anyone thinks they saw anything in relation to the crime or a black 4x4 vehicle or a blue IVECO box van in the area then they should contact us.”

Anyone with any information can contact either PCSO Mick Whittaker or Pc Norman McCallum on 0345 456 456 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800555111.

glad the RAF regiment ,are doing there job.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

when do you think ,theyll realise there 2 eurofighters down.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

glad the RAF regiment ,are doing there job.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

when do you think ,theyll realise there 2 eurofighters down.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

now thats funny

It’s not up to the Rockapes…it’s the MOD Plod who run security on Station…oh and a few erk’s who get jacked for a week or two :slight_smile:
The Regiment are too busy filling their boots with sand.

But who care’s who protects it…just been on the websites to rip the pee out of them :slight_smile:

Cant stand the smell of avation fuel, if the winds blowing the wrong way we can smell it blowing from Heathrow airport…

I take it aviation fuel isnt anywhere as dear as norm fuel?? 6k litres for £1500?

basically it is kerosene/paraffin…

Cant stand the smell of avation fuel, if the winds blowing the wrong way we can smell it blowing from Heathrow airport…

you cant beat the smell of avcat! it is better than petrol, especially if it is coming from your goshomee bird!

do you think it could be british airways, there struggling at the moment. :laughing:

Sugar Ray:
THIEVES braved the threat of armed patrols.

A friends lad is in the RAF and like others has to do “guard duty”, he says that although they are usually armed they do not carry ammunition on every patrol, even when fully armed they are given the lecture of dire warning about using ammunition and the concequences of such, (now lad - these bullets cost money you know) I’m sure the diddycoys know this and exploit the fact to the full.


Sugar Ray:
THIEVES braved the threat of armed patrols.

A friends lad is in the RAF and like others has to do “guard duty”, he says that although they are usually armed they do not carry ammunition on every patrol, even when fully armed they are given the lecture of dire warning about using ammunition and the concequences of such, (now lad - these bullets cost money you know) I’m sure the diddycoys know this and exploit the fact to the full.

why not use LTL rounds then :question: i would.

at the interrogation it wouldnt be water they got their head dunked in…that would teach them :smiling_imp: :laughing: