Ok this is a “chin up” for the newly qualified drivers. Most of you here know I passed my class 2 16/1/14. it is now 9 wks later and I have worked at least 2 shift every week since mid Feb, my favorite being the 8 leg tippers. Anyway I went for an interview yesterday (they asked me along) as a multi drop driver, 6 other more experienced drivers also went for the job. It’s now down to an assessment drive on Monday, the job has been offered to me providing they are happy with my drive. I have this one all wrapped up . So Chin Up folks.
Congratulations on the job! Wish you good luck on the drive assessment. I’m positive you’ll nail it though.
Passed mine 04/02/14, I am yet to do any job, applied applied applied applied but they all seem to want experienced drivers.
I’ve been for an interview and drive assessment at DHL, even though I thought I’d nailed it both they came up with the excuse that I haven’t had my licence for long enough “ridiculous”.
Yeah, if it’s all based on drive assessments I’m sure many of us new drivers would easily secure jobs, because the DSA examiners know we are good enough before handing the pass cert and licence but yet these agencies and employers out there think they know more than the examiners who issue the licences.
In a quandary don’t know really
go agency, do whatever shifts they can get you while looking for a ful time number. little experience is better than none. I’ve done days here and there on multi drop and spent the last week on 8 leg tippers (which I love but is a 6 mth contract) and that experience is what lined me up a full time offer, pending an assessment drive monday.
Congratulations Danny_b, keep calm and conquer!!
Lmann- it’s a tricky job to get into but don’t give up. I was in the same position as yourself, i went door to door, filling application forms on doorstep or leaving cvs. Go to anywhere you think has a wagon and speak to them, usually the boss or transport managers are best but so long as your cv gets into the right hands, keep leaving them everywhere!
I have not been on the last few weeks but as an update I got the job doing the multi drop, however I turned it down as I was getting steady tipper work via an agency. I have now after 3 weeks with this tippers company, been offered a full time position with the company and I start officialy at 6:15 am tomorrow morning. I’m well chuffed. oh and thats after taking out a lamppost long story
. I’m well chuffed. oh and thats after taking out a lamppostlong story
Wanna throw some light on it or has the bulb blown
Well done fella a jobs a job and if your happy even better
it involved a narrow road, my self in a 8 legger a cement truck and a bin wagon and a little of me not paying attention lol.