
If some of you don’t agree with direct protests then might I suggest you write letters of protest to your local mp and to the
A few thousand letters in their post bag stating your concerns.
Would you want me to vote for you again?
Why are you making my job redundant by letting cheap labour come into this country taking my job?

Do you REALLY think it will make a difference :question:

I don’t.

The truckers of the UK have always had an ace card but for various reasons, personal or logistical, it has not been used - that is to withdraw labour at short notice all at the same time for a set period.
It would be fun to see UK truckers go on annual leave or go sick for a week all at the same time though :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: - PS if you are all going to do that could you give me the heads-up so I can get extra baked beans in from TESCO please :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the only reason direct action works in places like france is that the whole industry is unionised and also the most of the police are in the same union so they wont take any action against blockades, how do you think the fisherman are getting away with blocking the ports, and turn our motorway into a permanent car park yet again. and yes i’ve just been held up in the congestion it causes. now i have never been in a union or do i really want to join one but i can see there advantages as now is happening in france. but until some of the biggest hauliers in the u.k. stop holding the rates down artificially low doing work at break even or sometimes at a loose i think we are going to see a lot of companies going down. sorry to sound so negative but thats the way i see it. and yes i did take part in the fuel protests a few years back so i have taken direct action.

direct action works in places like france

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Winters, was it really necessary for you to start yet another new thread on fuel prices? Do you not know how to use the ‘reply’ button on the existing threads? :unamused:

I’m only going to a fuel protest if there is drums , big drums to bang .

I’m only going to a fuel protest if there is drums , big drums to bang .

Oil drums big enough for you? :wink:

I’ll get me coat… :blush:

If some of you don’t agree with direct protests then might I suggest you write letters of protest to your local mp and to the
A few thousand letters in their post bag stating your concerns.
Would you want me to vote for you again?
Why are you making my job redundant by letting cheap labour come into this country taking my job?

You should of gone the whole hog and just put up an ad for the BNP !! Then again, maybe not ! :open_mouth: