I was caught up in a protest where a farmer blocked a country road as he was unhappy about tipper drivers destroying the verges.There is a big job going on to upgrade the power line from Beauly to Denny,this entails civil engineering work going on all over the place.Has anyone else encountered this kind of thing?
Someone ought to remind him of his herd of cows and the damage they’re causing to the ozone layer.
Then they should remind him of the next time he needs animals taking to market, or milk taking to the dairy, who’s going to take it for him.
One of the lads at our place had a sit down protest surrounding his car transporter in a street near the American embassy Grosvenor Square, locals protesting about the lorry menace, mind you some of the lads were noisy blighters, i used to do me best to keep the noise down as much as possible and only run the engine when needing to move the decks.
I know the lads that service the rental office work these days seldom do central London without getting a parking ticket its a bloody nightmare, you couldn’t pay me enough to go back on that work.
It is illegal to block any road.
I had a similar thing years ago delivering to a Ford dealer in Bristol one Saturday morning. Entrance to the compound was down the end of a cul de sac. In I went, unloaded the cars, went to drive out to the main road and all the residents had blocked the road with their cars. I listened to what they had to say, basically they were fed up with Saturday deliveries waking them up early in the morning. I gave them the company number to phone and make a compaint then politely asked if they would move and let me out. Some stroppy old sod said I could stay there the weekend. I phoned the Old Bill and reported the obstruction and was on my way in less than half an hour. Stroppy got a warning from Plod. Never went back there again luckily!
Keeping you there would be kidnapping and held against your will.
I’d block his farm and tell him you’re unhappy at the free money he gets from taxpayers for doing nothing.
Someone ought to remind him of his herd of cows and the damage they’re causing to the ozone layer.Then they should remind him of the next time he needs animals taking to market, or milk taking to the dairy, who’s going to take it for him.
he will with his high speed tractors , also remember everytime you eat something
Keeping you there would be kidnapping and held against your will.
Not quite, its only the vehicle that they were blocking in but I take your point
I have heard of MMTM stories getting the police out when supermarket Rdc s have kept them waiting there for an unreasonable amount of time where their duty time was expiring and security will not allow you to drop the trailer to exit solo and come back in the morning to move the trailer.
Has anyone sat down and seriously looked at the causes of being made to hang around all day at RDCs a virtual prisoner, because you’re not allowed in your cab, can’t use the facilities, and get boxed up in “the cooler” for the duration?
Depot too small for the upturn in business?
Organisation too crap?
Not enough shunters on duty?
Grumpy goods-in staff?
Didcotitz has got to be my current pet hate. They really know how to upset the driver at that place.
Has anyone else encountered this kind of thing?
I came across a protest by NIMBYs at Godstone sand quarry a couple of years back; They were moaning about lorries using a PRIVATE haul road, that crossed a very minor one. I was prewarned so I simply ignored them and carried on past. I was booed and jeered more than Maggie Thatcher giving a speech in a Yorkshire mining town for not slowing to read the placards, or a take a leaflet from someone.
Heaven forbid if they put you in the naughty corner and made to wait longer as a punishment.