Professional Truckers Club

Hi not sure if this is the right place but is anyone a member or is there a proper club or anything for drivers to join like a trade body but not a union i am already in one of them just there is nothing for us the US have a body to join why don’t we. I know there is the FTA and RHA but they are for companies i believe not for solo members, or am i wrong. or do you feel there is no need for a club for drivers

There have been many set up over the years, some come and gone, some still going well, None however seem to offer a great deal in the way of benefits apart from the odd meet up and social evenings at events
Some are local based as far as national goes seem to be one of the ones that has lasted well. … =3&t=21752 a newish one, have no idea if its succeeding

cheers RIKKI i knew you would know why don’t is there a demand for them mate.

If you want a TRADE union, then join unite/usdaw or the RMT…

simple really…


I don’t want a trade union I am in one I wanted a professional club for truck drivers like truck net but a real fta/rha just for drivers

If you want a TRADE union, then join unite/usdaw or the RMT…

simple really…



Psst! If you want to join a secret society, make an action like you’re flicking water off your hand when you get to a place where other Knights of The Fridge are gethered. That’s not a spelling mistake by the way, I mean “gethered”.

I don’t think there’s enough “professionals” to warrant a club of their own? :slight_smile:

I don’t think there’s enough “professionals” to warrant a club of their own? :slight_smile:

beat me to it :laughing:

I gether that Scanner comes from roundabout (circule)Dundee way?


(this is not my website)

I gether that Scanner comes from roundabout (circule)Dundee way?

No, but I have worked for a few fellows encerclé Dundalk :laughing:

If you want a TRADE union, then join unite/usdaw or the RMT…

simple really…


Or URTU which the only trade union exclusivly for truckers, and not part of a wider Union body :wink:

Hi not sure if this is the right place but is anyone a member or is there a proper club or anything for drivers to join like a trade body but not a union i am already in one of them just there is nothing for us the US have a body to join why don’t we. I know there is the FTA and RHA but they are for companies i believe not for solo members, or am i wrong. or do you feel there is no need for a club for drivers

Probably be able to hold THEIR meetings in a phonebox… :laughing: