Problems with current employer

When I did my hgv my employer at the time paid half. When I decided to leave a short time later I paid it back even though there was no agreement to that end but I thought it only fair. Speak to them and you might be surprised at the answer. It would also leave the door open for a return just in case you don’t like the big bad world outside Network Rail…

At cruise control no it wasn’t me :laughing:

I see the point a few of you are making about company loyalty but the way they are treating me at the moment i dont see why i should be loyal :imp:

At cruise control no it wasn’t me :laughing:

I see the point a few of you are making about company loyalty but the way they are treating me at the moment i dont see why i should be loyal :imp:

Because it makes you better than them, you don’t have to stoop to their level. Presumably when they offered to put you through your training you were delighted and possibly grateful that you would not be faced with the expense involved and you were obviously more than happy to agree to the two year deal. It’s only five months, stick it out and honour the agreement it the right thing to do.

i was going to stick it out but i recently paid for my own class 1 and ive been offered a good job driving artics but im in two minds wether to take it or not because i dont want to end up in trouble for leaving early.

i was going to stick it out but i recently paid for my own class 1 and ive been offered a good job driving artics but im in two minds wether to take it or not because i dont want to end up in trouble for leaving early.

well if it had been me i would prob of done some recon work first to see what would be the crack if i left early for another job as then you could weigh up the pros and cons, where as now you have a job offer but dont know what if any repercussions would arrise from you leaving. how long is the offer on for??

I have a week to decide so i mite have to do a little digging next and find out wat will happen if i did decide to leave.

i was going to stick it out but i recently paid for my own class 1 and ive been offered a good job driving artics but im in two minds wether to take it or not because i dont want to end up in trouble for leaving early.

So why not ask the HR Dept. If you get the answer you want, ask them to confirm it in writing.

I wish I had a pound for every time I’ve lost out cos some other prick ■■■■■■ it up.

I would say look at your contract of employment before you use the I didn’t sign anything ploy comes in.
just spent most of the day reading our new contract of employment, and on page 11 section 15.9 it reads
“In the event your employment terminates witin 1 year or less following the completion of any external course or training paid for by the Co you agree to pay in full the cost of the course or training”
If you have signed, or worked more than the termination notice required you are deemed to have agreed to the contract of employment, where mine says 1 year yours could be 2/3.

i was going to stick it out but i recently paid for my own class 1 and ive been offered a good job driving artics but im in two minds wether to take it or not because i dont want to end up in trouble for leaving early.

The worst that can happen is they ask for some or all of their money back. They can’t make you stay in the job but if you approach them properly you might get a result. If you can’t afford what they’re asking for come to an arrangement with them to repay it over time.

If you assume that your training cost £1000,simply offer to pay 5/24ths of that cost,about £200,seems reasonable to me :sunglasses:

I did this with Goodways, after being treated like a ■■■■■

What problems have you had from them that make it so unbearable that you can’t finish the 2 years ?

Ultimatley it’s your decision, bear in mind though that if you need a reference for your next job, any rash action now may ■■■■ your chances of a glowing report.

As to the “you’ll ■■■■ it up for everyone else” argument, if these holier than though employers take the risk on putting somebody through their test, perhaps following it up with a better long term attitude towards the trainee would prevent said trainee getting the hump and ■■■■■■■ off to pastures new. Two sides to every tale :exclamation:

A contract doesn’t have to be in writing,a verbal agreement is a contract by law.

What problems have you had from them that make it so unbearable that you can’t finish the 2 years ?

As to the “you’ll [zb] it up for everyone else” argument, if these holier than though employers take the risk on putting somebody through their test, perhaps following it up with a better long term attitude towards the trainee would prevent said trainee getting the hump and ■■■■■■■ off to pastures new. Two sides to every tale :exclamation:

That’s it ! we haven’t heard both sides have we.

i passed my psv with stagecoach some years ago, even filled a form out saying what id pay for my training should i leave before certain times, i had to move from the area and despite me trying to sort to local depot to the area i was moving too this never happened and i ended up leaving,
i got 1 letter saying i owe em money and saying they take action to get the money back etc, i didnt get a 2nd letter nor payed any money back.
id think it would cost em too much to chase it up,


What problems have you had from them that make it so unbearable that you can’t finish the 2 years ?

As to the “you’ll [zb] it up for everyone else” argument, if these holier than though employers take the risk on putting somebody through their test, perhaps following it up with a better long term attitude towards the trainee would prevent said trainee getting the hump and ■■■■■■■ off to pastures new. Two sides to every tale :exclamation:

That’s it ! we haven’t heard both sides have we.


Hi i handed my notice in yesterday and my work didnt even mention anything about my training, they are not bothered im going because they want to make people redundant.

:exclamation: Wassat mean ?

A verbal contract is as good as the paper it’s written on. Do what best suits you.

It’s an exclamation mark. :wink:

I was exclaiming :exclamation: