Has anyone ever used the software add on for ordinary sat nav’s which turns them in to a trucker friendly device by adding low bridges etc. Sold by hgvsolutions and called procab+. Wondered if this might be a good investment for my ordinary tom tom sat nav.
Any info please.
as far as i am aware all it does is mark them on your mapping it dosent actually route you round them so personally i dont think its worth the cash but a proper hgv sat nav i picked a snooper s2000 up on here and it works great think it cost me 100 pound but well worth it
Despite whatever HGV Solutions say about it, it is really only a set of POIs. It includes industrial estates, farms, truckstops, (branded) filling stations and some other useful stuff. It also has low bridges and some weight restrictions, but again only in the form of POIs. It does not automatically route around them, nor does it make your device use “truck friendly” routes (i.e. routes that stick mostly to A-roads, avoid sharp turns, narrow lanes etc). In order to use the low bridges etc you have to select the appropriate set of POIs and then manually review the route and (again manually) adjust it accordingly. It does give you the option of getting the satnav to warn when there is e.g. a low bridge ahead - but this is seriously flawed on TomTom devices as it warns even when your planned route only passes close to a low bridge on a side road, or even where your route passes over such a bridge. By default, the advance warning is also insufficient. e.g. on the A5 at Hinckley, by the time the voice announcement had said “Thafety alert, low bridge jutht ahead, thlow down” (yes, it has a lisp) I had already passed under it!
All these POIs (including the bridges) are available online for free - alhough HGV Solutions have clearly spent considerable time and effort in organising them into a useful format.
To sum-up, it is useful - but in no way does it convert a car satnav into a truck device.
£55 is a lot of money for a set of POIs, you could probably get them for nothing if you look around.
Thanks all I reckon I’ll save me 50 quid and buy a proper atlas
rory steer clear bud i bought it then my sat nav packed in so got in touch with them and they wouldnt transfer it to my new one you do it online through them you see so its encrypted to that device , WHAT A CON i thought
Thanks all I reckon I’ll save me 50 quid and buy a proper atlas
Which Tomtom have you got, depending on the model you may be able to turn it into a proper truck sat-nav by putting the truck navcore and truck map on it.
It can all be got free at Navitotal
tacho thanks its the 910 mate but i try on navitotal but virgin media says its illegal somethin or other so cant do it
Mine’s the 825 go live not sure if I should mess with it, I see the Philips truckers atlas on “amazing” for 19 quid think I’ll go that route although it’s rather big and bulky, you can at least plan a whole route before you start out.
tacho thanks its the 910 mate but i try on navitotal but virgin media says its illegal somethin or other so cant do it
I’m on VM and have no problem accessing Navitotal or the navcore/map files
The 910 can be converted as long as it’s the one with 64 MB on ram, and it works reasonably well.
If you can’t get on Navitotal try GPSUnderground.
I could be wrong but I think on both gpsunderground and navitotal you have to register/login to see all the forums.