Prize giving

Hello peeps.

Just wondering: As the PDA won the Trucknet UK Award for ‘Best Driver Organisation’ last year, could I take the opportunity to invite a member of the Trucknet board to the PDA’s AGM on March 21st to present it?

John Bramwells
PDA Trustee & Flagship Editor.

Unfortunately all the Directors and Shareholders of TruckNet UK will be in the USA, and so no-one will be available to attend your AGM.

Thanks Rikki.

Never mind, Truckfest will be soon enough. More press coverage too.

See you there.

Hello peeps.

Just wondering: As the PDA won the Trucknet UK Award for ‘Best Driver Organisation’ last year, could I take the opportunity to invite a member of the Trucknet board to the PDA’s AGM on March 21st to present it?

2 points.

1 how the hell did that happen. Did they threaten to ignore the judges “for ever and ever and ever so there” if they didn’t vote for them?

2 What a childish posting. If more proof were required that my decision not to go near the other site was the right one, that was it.

What a childish posting

Actually very politically correct, as the Agenda has to be finalised.


Hi Qhunter.

Point 1: Whatever has happened in the interim between the award being made, and made validly, and the present date, the question had to be asked. A memory of happier times, perhaps?

Point 2: Not my interpretation. I have no animus towards any member of Trucknet, and I hope I’ve never caused it myself. (Well, I slapped a racist in the early days, but then you would, wouldn’t you?).

How long before the padlock goes on this one I wonder. :smiley:


Dan a.k.a Boo:
How long before the padlock goes on this one I wonder. :smiley:


That’s an easy one…so long as everyone stays within site rules, it’ll stop open…break them and it’ll be yellow carded and then (ultimately) locked…

…nothing new there then! :grimacing:

Stick it in the post!

I was wondering what the actual award was■■?

Agree with the PDA or not there are not doing anyone here any harm!!

in fact most will benefit :open_mouth:

I am not going to preach but lets not start slagging off

Bullies are not needed here or anywhere else for that matter!

The same as last year…

…the appreciation of the users of Britains biggest and best used Website by and for truck drivers.

The winners get large exposure in the Transport media due to our issuing a press release detailing those companies/organisations that have been voted by our members.

So we’re not going to be able to proudly dispaly it in the PDA Marquee at Truckfest then :unamused:


BTW Lucy, you wouldn’t happen to know what form the award’s in? If it’s a certificate we could scan it in and put it up as a click-through until it expireds, subject to the usual permissions and so forth. I know the announcement’s in Truck & Driver; would they have an image?

Edited: Sorry, asked the question late.

TruckNet UK:
The same as last year…

…the appreciation of the users of Britains biggest and best used Website by and for truck drivers.

The winners get large exposure in the Transport media due to our issuing a press release detailing those companies/organisations that have been voted by our members.

Think that’s already been answered quite clearly, John.

The yearly awards are, and always have been, a purely site-based affair.

Thanks Lucy.

Off to bed. G’night all.