Private Parking Tickets

OK gents, up until recently the best course of action when dealing with parking tickets from Private Parking Companies (PPCs) was to just ignore them.
I speak from experience, having dealt with loads of them, you get a couple of months of threatening letters, then they give up and move on.

There’s been a few changes with the introduction of the Protection of Freedom Act.

Now, there’s an independent (supposedly) appeals process, the POPLA. A well structured argument to this appeal should see off most tickets. If you lose at appeal, their decision isn’t binding, so you can still continue to ignore the PPC after that.
Should the PPC decide to take you to court, the same old arguments still count, Illegal Fine, Unfair Contract terms, Sineage, Breaches of BPA Code of Conduct etc, which again with a well structured argument should see them off.

BUT… a court isn’t going to take a kind view if you just ignored the PPC without making any effort to resolve the issue.

For now, if you receive a parking ticket from a PPC, take professional advice, consider the options before taking the blanket ‘ignore’ route.
Different PPCs are taking different routes in the wake of the POFA.

Further details and a more detailed explanation of the changes and courses of action can be found at the FightBack Forums,

I’ll let you know how it goes because my first letter should be coming in the post any day now - and then into the bin